January 16, 2015

Precious teens will stay warm!

Our hearts full of joy and delight!We praise and glorify our mighty and loving God! We are so thrilled that we are done!We could finish latest project Keep Teenagers Warm thanks God!Yay!

Our trouble finally is over. Thank you very much for your prayer support! ♥ It meant so much for us...We feel so restored everything is behind thanks God.

So, we purchased such beautiful jackets and boots for 50 precious young people.God blessed abundantly that we could purchased 11 warm jackets for little ones in Children`s Home also! Amazing!

We felt terribly cold, when purchased and got tired soooo much... Imagine, when you go to store to dress an one child. But we needed to find over 60 different sizes for jackets and boots. Phew! But when we started unload loading, we have been surprised that could buy so many. Ha ha! So, we were happy!
I love how it looks! :)

First we visited little ones in Children's House and blessed them with these beautiful gifts.

Precious kids

The director was so happy that started to hug and kiss bro. Misha! You(BOM) are so dear to my heart! she said. :) What an amazing testimony of God's grace and goodness!

When we came to the next orphanage the boys were ready and happy to help to unload.

Beautiful young ladies

Poor guy wore summer shoes in winter...

I love how he looks in new jacket and shoes! Isn't he handsome young man?

Can you imagine to wear in cold and snow those shoes in winter? This beautiful young lady(not only she) did because she had nothing. She said that felt cold...What a joy she has beautiful and cozy boots now!

We are so grateful absolutely to everyone, who was participated even partly! That helped not only show love and care of Jesus but keep teens warm because today in the orphanage is very cold and they wear 2-3 sweaters to stay warm. All children and adults wear coat or a jacket even inside of buildings. We praise God for His goodness and mercy to these young beautiful people they can stay warm and feel cozy today. Awesome blessing!!!Thank you!!! THANK YOU very much be wonderful hands and feet of Jesus!!! Thank you for your loving and generous hearts!You all are such amazing blessing for so many Ukrainian children! ♥ May God bless you!!!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25