January 7, 2015

Goodbye 2014 and Hello 2015

Hello Everyone!Hope you have a wonderful days and enjoy your time with beloved ones.
We would love to thank you all for amazing past 2014 year we had. BOM had so and so many wonderful and awesome blessings!!! We are in awe! Our hearts are humbled and grateful for absolutely everything God is doing in BOM.

Yes, we had very sad moments and situations, when our hearts cried to the Lord Jesus, we feel heartbroken and disappointed, cried and didn't sleep at nights, we felt like a king David "Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. Selah. I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest. "But that is life and a Christian path, suffer, sacrifice to bless many orphans, bring joy and hope.

Then happened revolution in Ukraine, war, many refugees, a lot of killed people... Hurt, distress, fear, lose. All this is terrible! The war is still remains...More and more children become orphans... Please, keep praying God stop all this awfulness!

But beside heartbreaking situations God was so good to BOM!
God simply did pour out His awesome blessings...Our hearts rejoiced and danced from a joy. We cried from happiness and glorified the Lord. Because His love is astonish and marvelous. We saw His presence in every situation and were amazed.We felt blessed and it warm our hearts to see happy faces those, whom we serve.
But we know exactly! All those wonderful blessings, would not happened without your participation.Thank you for staying with us, loving, trusting and supporting us in past 2014! We praise and glorify our God for all His wonderful blessings and astonish love! For new generous Supporters and wonderful Friends! We thank our God every time in all prayers for all of you. We always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. We wouldn't feel blessed and loved by the Lord without your love and tender care. BOM wouldn't have so many amazing blessings without your persist prayers and generous donations, gifts of love. Many precious children wouldn't be greatly blessed, if your hearts won't be here.

So, we all said goodbye to 2014 and another year started and with it, new hopes and aspirations sprout in our hearts, hopes for happiness, prosperity and better times to come. May our hearts be filled with gratitude for all the blessings God has placed in our lives, and may we cherish every moment we are given with those we love. May the year 2015 gives everyone the opportunity to realise dreams, rediscover strengths, master a willpower and rejoice the simple pleasures that life would bring our way. 

We would love to hear from you! It would be so sweet. Maybe BOM impacted your life somehow? or maybe BOM inspired you? :) We would love to hear what is your favorite blog post? How it blessed you? Or maybe saddest blog post. Maybe you learned something new from BOM blog? What you would like to hear more? What inspires you? We would more than happy if you leave your comments here. It will help us to bless you :) Thank you tons.

The struggle here in Ukraine continues, and we ask that you continue to lift up the nation and BOM before the Lord. Pray that in 2015 there would be great changes. Pray more sweet kids will be blessed and more souls brought to Lord Jesus.We pretty excited to see what the Lord has prepared for us. God bless you all our dear Friends! Happy New Year to all our loving Friends, Donors, Sponsors and other Loving Individuals!!!

Well. I`m pretty excited tell you that we have a first blessing!  The lovely family, Vadim and Stella led to church their friend Tanya(on the left side), who is former orphan also. The young lady is a single mother with her small daughter Vlada. They are homeless. This small sweet family has a temporary place for living. Thereafter Tanya does not know, where to go with her small girl. Besides this young mother has personal worries and troubles. That is interesting that Tanya has sister, who is classmate of Oksana, BOM staff. They are from an one orphanage. Vadim and I from same orphanage as well :) But most amazing, few days ago Tanya asked Jesus saved her and change her life! How awesome and incredible blessing!!!!What a marvellous God we serve!!!!


  1. I believe the post on the baptisms are my favourits or when you have all those children having fun learning bible stories, or when you help 3 young people to discover what is life out of the orphanage(the 2 brothers and 1 sister), and when you worked on that hose to make it livible and warm (we never saw the conclusion !)
    In fact there are too many posts I have really liked... And loving to see peoples financial help...
    You are doing a worthwhile work !

    1. Oh! I remember the day about V. and her brothers! They all are so sweet and we had an awesome day with them. About Zhenya`s house. Yes, I know that it was not shown the conclusion. I was going to share about it some time ago but had a some difficulties. So, we are waiting the possibility and I will do it soon ;)

      I really happy to hear you have liked many our posts! Thank you very much for being so sweet and left the comment here. Your comments are always appreciated! :) Blessings!

  2. It's hard to choose a favorite post, when there are so many which I like: helping aged-out teens, providing loving guidance and care to so many, along with Bible instruction and hands-on help with material needs...how could I choose a favorite?? :-)

    I do always enjoy pictures of children and teens receiving and using the clothing and other things I've sent, or which my church helped provide, and to know that these things are being put to much-needed use.. It makes it "real" that way...actual children in need, wearing things that I packed and sent. Such pictures and posts are also helpful in telling others about BOM - the pictures put real faces on the children and make it easier for those new to BOM to see the need and understand how BOM is helping, and what wonderful opportunities BOM provides its supporters who are in a position to help out. Pictures like these helped persuade my church's missions committee to help with the winter shoes for small children and coats for teens recently, so they really do make a big difference!

    Thanks again for all you do - sending best wishes for a happy, productive, and peaceful 2015 for Bible Orphan Ministry, Ukraine, and the people of Ukraine.

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Oh, how many! It makes me feel so happy to know there are a lot of favorite blog posts :). Thanks for your advices and sweet wishes. Wonderful blessings to you too and many thanks for your wonderful support. BOM wouldn't be able to bless many souls without your care and love :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25