December 31, 2014

Gifts to young adults and families

Recently we received many, many wonderful blessings to many orphaned children! Clothes but mostly toys. We can't wait to share with them this blessing and bring joy! Awesome!

Some of boxes with many beautiful blessings were for young adults and families under BOM support.

So, here are pictures of some young adults of their delight, great excitement and amazement. It's such a joy to see happy faces and smiles! :) It warms and bless your heart. And there is nothing more rewarding than to bless others!!!!

Love precious smile of Yana!

Sweet little helper ;)


Happy Stella :)

Two of those boys wanted to play with the doggy :)

Little babies, Ilyusha, Edick and sweet Sophia.

Little prince Andrew just woke up.

A short video.


We are very grateful for all your wonderful and generous support! It`s amazing to see God`s hand and His astonish love!We are very thankful for your time, prayers and thoughts. It's such a great joy for us to see many people love and follow BOM! It encourage us greatly and gives us strength serve these precious souls, bring joy and hope. It helps us to see God`s love and His presence.Thank you trusting and loving BOM!THANK YOU!THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!! ♥

We hope you enjoy this season of holidays with your beloved ones and have a wonderful time!May God bless you greatly and your families!!!!Our love to you all! ♥


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25