December 27, 2014

What is with current project?

First.We have all funds! Yay! God has provided all needed funds to bless 50 teenagers with warm jackets and boots! At the very last day we had 100%. That`s AWESOME! 

We are so humbled and so grateful to all of you, who took part in the current project! Thank you thousands times to each of you, for your sowing seeds of love. Many thanks for your generous gifts small and huge. Thanks for prayers and sharing the word about the need. Our thanks never will be enough! It humbled our hearts that many children and young people took part in the project. What a beautiful testimony of God`s grace!Dear Friends, you are really wonderful hands and feet of Jesus!!!What a great blessing you all are for the teenagers! We glorify and praise Lord Jesus for His mercy and goodness to these precious souls!!!

Second.The next day on Wednesday at 3.00 morning we were ready go to purchase these wonderful blessings for many teens. We couldn't wait to bless those beautiful souls!But at that night, when we almost were ready to leave...God stopped us.

We faced a big trouble in ministry...Not, it is not with this project. So, we did not go anywhere.. As we needed immediately solve a trouble... We couldn't sleep till the morning, the dream has run from us, hundreds thoughts in the head. What to do? How to be? God be merciful and help us... Next few days and nights were really, really hard emotionally and spiritually. It seemed that everything against you.
At those days I felt myself as Israelites, when they fled Egypt. When behind them were Egyptians, and in front was the sea. They were in fear and horror.There no way come back and ahead where to go?So we did not see the way, where to go? I wanted nothing at those days...Only that this trouble would be solved.Everything we could, pray that God will open the door and show us the way. And...He did! Same as the waters were divided in sea... God showed us the way how to decide the trouble.It has not resolved to the end yet... Maybe we are on the half way. It`s hard to say now. Some questions decided finally.Some not yet. It may take few more weeks.

Any way it's worth that! That many precious children will be greatly blessed, it's worth. It worth of that, because there is battle for life! Worth of sleepless nights, many headaches, energy, worries, troubles and many more. Because those treasures deserve it! It should turn to a huge blessing what will happen in next year :)  

(Philippians 1:29) "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake" 

So, for today we really don`t know, when we will purchase jackets and boots for teenagers...Now started season of holidays and it`s really hard. We hope to do it as soon as possible. Any way I will update :) Please, keep praying for the current project, for precious orphans and for BOM staff. We really need your prayer support! Thank you very much for everything you do! Your support means so much for us and many children in Ukraine!


  1. I don't know what to say... except, keep your faith in God and trust trust trust him...
    that's what I am still learning every day. No questionning, just trust !
    with my best thoughts

    1. Yes, that is what we try to do and still learning too...Our hope is only God.Thank you.

  2. Praying for resolution for the current problem, and so thankful that the coats and boots for teens are funded.

    Thinking of you,
    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Thank you, Susan. We thank God for His goodness to us.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25