December 28, 2014

We are expecting!!!

A big announcement for you dear Friends! :)

 Yes, one more baby! :) Such unexpected blessing.

Your support, care and love helped Stella and Vadim become a Christians few month ago. They both grow spiritually and happily raise their darling Ilyusha . They love Jesus with all their hearts and thank for every blessing. Both young people changed a lot since joined to church! What a great blessing! God decided to bless them with one more precious gift :) 

Thank you very much for your prayers and support this lovely couple. Please, keep praying for Stella, she is feeling not well sometimes. Also Vadim can earn money to feed his family, now 4 of them :). And they can continue grow spiritually in Jesus.

So excited for coming Baby shower on Spring!

Love this sweet couple! ♥


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25