December 16, 2014

Only a week

We have only a week to raise $1,440! Time is very short and it is urgent!!! 

We are so so excited we can bless orphaned teenagers as we have raised 60% already! That is amazing!!!! Just for a very short time God has provided necessary funds to bless more then half kids! We are able to buy warm jackets and shoes for 30 teenagers! Thank you so much to all who praying and took part in this vital project! Your involvement means so much for all these souls!!!Thank you!Thank you all so very much!!!! You are awesome!!!!

Often orphaned children wear a jacket or coat like this boy, who looks so sad...

Can you imagine your child wear shoes like this one?

Do orphans deserve wear shoes like this one?

What do you think they feel when they wear shoes like this during several years and they know that no one will help them to get a new pair?

Do you know that during this season of holidays new pair of shoes and warm jacket can be the best gift for many orphaned teenagers?

We have a week to raise the rest of funds because starts a season of holidays and it will be harder to make purchase jackets and shoes. Also exchange of rate $ grows highly everyday. It means that prices absolutely for everything grows up daily! It`s scary how high are prices! Everyone predicts next 2015 year will be very hard for Ukraine...So many terrible things may happen here and already happens. So, we concern now or it will be enough all funds to bless all 50 teens? As prices change daily...
But most our hearts are concern that in week children from the orphanage will go for a winter holidays. They all are from very, very poor families, who are unable to help them in their physical needs. Because kids are from not full families or have parents who absolutely do not take care of them...Alcohol or drug abuse. If orphanage takes care and is a temporary home for many children. Thus many children often survive at their homes on holidays, being hungry having daily needs! This is vital! 

Can we all make a difference in lives of teens? Can we all show Jesus Christ, who loves and cares of them?
We pray God will do a miracle in lives of these children.We plead God take care of needs of these precious children, who deserve for better. If parents abandoned them, so they can see that they are not abandoned by their Heavenly Father.

Would you please, prayerfully consider to bless those precious children, if you can?Would pray with us please, God will provide necessary funds?

If God gives you a wish in your heart to bless teens with gift of love. Please send donation through PayPal , leave a note "for teens" and we will add your amount to the button on the blog. Or you can make donation through blue ChipIn on the right side of the blog. Also you can donate by check to:Bible Orphan Ministry 404 Greenview Dr. Caledonia MI 49316  
Even a little gift $5.00 , $10 can be a special blessing!Thank you very much!

If you unable to donate, would you spread the word about the need, please?Thank you on behalf of children!Your participation is greatly appreciated!!!!


  1. Praying and being so greatful for all the people who are concerned by the orphans.

    1. Your prayers means so much, Nicole!Thank you very much!

      It is interesting that half of donors are children or teenagers, who took part in current project. How great is that?! ;)

  2. Will you be father christmas ? :)
    I just wanted to wish you all a happy christmas from France !


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25