June 4, 2014

Please, help save Elijah from baby house!

Do we have more babies? :) Oh, yes! We have more young mothers and families, who need the help.
So, if you have possibility send clothes, diapers, all kinds toys, rattles, pacifiers, feeding bottles, all needed items for babies age 0-4 years old. The mommies would be very and very grateful!Thanks.

But here I would love to speak about one very poor family, who loves dearly their son.This is very sad and heartbreaking story, dear friends. A very little and adorable Elijah( Ilya or Ilyusha as we say) can be in baby house, for a very simple reason...His parents have no enough funds to raise their little angel... :(

Let me, first introduce you this precious family. His sweet mom Stella was abandoned in 11 months old in baby house. Then she was transferred to a baby house, then to an orphanage. She graduated orphanage some years ago.  Stella knows she has a sister but never saw her...She said that always felt alone and dreamed to be with her mom. But it never happened...

Her husband Vadim, got to an orphanage, when he was a small 9 years old boy. Since this time he never saw his parents. He says very often, "I always wanted to have a family. Now I have my own". 

One day we had a haircut at church. Every quarter we have free haircut for orphans.

 Ilyusha in 4,5 months had a long hair. Stella was encouraged cut hair for her babe. She was so glad and she had a little haircut as well. Sweet baby behaved so quiet!

Then we have found that very often Stella does not have possibility to buy diapers for her son. BOM blessed her by a big package of diapers. Stella was amazed and could not believe that this all package was for her angel. This sweet mommy is so gentle and humble. "I will take only few diapers. I can not take all package" she said feeling uncomfortable. :)

Then we fed her as all day long she was hungry.

Stella was SO excited, overwhelmed and SO happy!!!! She said to husband. Do you know what? They helped by free haircut for our Ilyusha and for me, gave diapers, fed me and gave money for food! :)

Young mother thanked BOM many times, hugged and kissed.It seemed her joy had no end!
Even when we skyped with some of our friends and families in US. This sweet girl was with us always and said. Please, tell them how you helped me. Funny girl. :)

We have found when Stella was at hospital for delivery of baby, she had nothing for her son. Vadim works very hard. All money they have, they give to owner for a housing they rent. They both do not know how long they can stay there. Very often this family does not have food at home at all and all necessary things for their adorable son. Stella  breastfeeding her baby. But often she is not able because she is hungry often. Oh, my! Not one child deserve to be hungry! 
Their family lives in such desparate poorness...that Stella cries often and with tears asked her husband to leave their baby in baby house. Because they have no money to grow him. She knows it is NOT the best place...But out of desperation she does not see other way...
Stella says "I DO NOT wish my baby was there. Because I was there all my life and I know what kids feel. I want give him all my love that I had not in my childhood. I want to be always with my son, as I always wanted to be with my mother. I love him so very much!" Oh, my.I hardly kept my tears listening this poor girl.

 They live on the 6th floor. When Vadim works, Stella can not carry down the stroller and take a walk with her son on the street, go to the store, etc. They live in such poverty and need, they do not have money even for an elevator. It costs around $2-4.00 per month.
Andrew and Vova helped to carry down the stroller from 6th floor. 

These are real people, real lives, real needs. They need our help. This family lives in such powerty and desparate need... They both are orphans, young couple who need support and help. Since that  time with a very little help this family received, Stella does not stop to visit church services and she likes to hear about the Lord. They both like very much to be with us and spend time in fellowship. Vadim and Stella love very much their adorable Elijah. And this sweetheart already became one of our favorite babies!  Stella has no enough milk(as she is malnourished) they can not buy baby formula. It is about $25.00 for 2-3 weeks. They say it is too expensive for them. Would you, please help this family to save their baby and will no leave in baby house? Would you, please, prayerfully consider to support this sweet family? Can we together show the love of Christ for them? ANY amount for diapers or food would be very and very helpful for these poor souls. They will appreciate it VERY MUCH! If God moves your heart, sending any amount, please, leave a note, for Stella`s family. The gift of love can be send through PayPal  thebibleorphanministry@gmail.com

 If you have opportunity send any clothes for infants or any babies items, toys, you are very welcome! Can be used, only clean and in good condition. Most of the clothes Elijah has too small for him.

Look at this sweet baby. Isn`t he darling? How we can leave him and not help?

We pray this family will see more light in their life, light of Jesus Christ. We pray they will give thanks and glory to God, who takes care of orphans. 
Thank you very much for taking time and read this story. Feel free to share and pray with us God will be merciful to little Elijah and his parents. Feel free to ask any questions.Thanks a lot. Your prayers mean a lot for us!


  1. Alla, if sending clothes, diapers, or other items, what address should be used?

    1. Lisa, please email me bibleorphanministry@gmail.com and I will give you address.Thank you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25