June 8, 2014

More graduates

It was the last orphanage where we gave precious gifts to graduates. Last orphanage, where we said goodbye to the teens.As I told you before we have been invited to Last Bell ceremony. Children leaving the orphanage looked sad and happy.It was very emotional day as orphaned kids cried and we were ready to cry also. It always hard to say goodbye to someone special to your heart...

Brother Misha was able to give the last instruction from the Bible to graduates during the ceremony.Then in the end of Last Bell, all precious souls, who start independent life, received these beautiful gifts.

We would love to thank you heartly, for taking part in this awesome project. :) Through your care and love many orphans received these wonderful blessings, Bibles, blankets and kitchen utensils. All kids were super excited and warmly thanked.Thank you!THANK YOU so very much on behalf of Ukrainian orphaned children!!!!Without your support and prayers many things would not happened. Thank you from bottom of our hearts!!!♥

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25