May 31, 2014

Sweet time and chocolate

It was sooooo exciting and wonderful to visit these precious girls again!

This time we had a Bible story with smallest about bride Rebekah for Isaac.All the girls, even the older very miss and wanted to be with us. Therefore some older girls could be with us. It was so joyful, when they were dressed up in biblical suits and played a role. It was very fun and they were excited take part!

We sang and played various games.

 Then at the end of the girls did a craft, the bride for Isaac, Rebekah.

Isn't her smile precious?

They love to draw and do something with their hands!

We had a wonderful time with these sweethearts!

But most of all the children rejoiced, when they received chocolate.

Oh, my! How they jumped, excited and were overjoyed!Wish you would see their happiness :0)

It was so sweet and such a blessing to see their joy!

 Just a simple thing made them soooooooo happy!!!!!

A little sweetie...

Nadya has a new friend :)

Also we brought a construction paper and colored pencils for kids in orphanage. Thank you very much for your packages!

 So glad we were coming back home and saw on the way these beautiful poppies.What a beauty!


  1. Thanks for sharing Alla. Love your pictures!


    1. Thank you, Tina! It encourages me to post more pictures :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25