June 16, 2014

BOM team and beauty of Ukraine

We wanted to renew our BOM team photo. Wanted to make a picture somewhere unusual and a beautiful place. Then the idea came to make a picture in a poppy field. In Ukraine, there are many these fields. So we waited poppies bloom since autumn last year. :) It is suprise of this year those beautiful flowers bloomed very much, even more than last year. Some people asked us about dresses. Yes, they all embroidered.  Andrew and brother Misha both dressed in handmade embroidered shirts. We call it vyshyvanka. You can find it everywhere, all over Ukraine.

So, here we are :)

Here are little more other pictures.
Andrew even more fall in love in Ukraine. His heart stays here forever. We name him American Ukrainian :)

 Or sometimes we call him Ukrainian Cossack :)

We love our beautiful country, nation and people. We thank God for nationality and that He settled us here.
May God bless you and your families continually! Much love! ♥


  1. AnonymousJune 16, 2014

    What beautiful pictures! And what beautiful clothing, and what a lovely place - is that a picnic area in a park?

    My young cousins have outgrown their Ukrainian clothes but they'll always keep them to remember their native country.

    I have been visiting the mountains in Tennessee and North Carolina recently - the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway - also very beautiful, but no poppies! Instead, there were daisies, rhododendrons, azaleas, and wild hydrangeas in bloom.

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures - all of the BOM staff are very good-looking people!

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

  2. Beautiful pictures! I love seeing your smiles among the poppies.

    (By the way, hello Susan! It's nice to "see" you. It's been awhile since the RR forum kind of faded.)



As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25