June 20, 2014

Arrived to Ukraine to be baptized?

 Have you ever had to be a witness? Have you ever seen it? Have you ever heard, when American or from other country born-again Christian came in another country to be baptized? Well. It happened with us and in our local baptist church in Ukraine at first time. :)

We had not many baptized souls this year, only two. Yana, a precious and very sweet young lady, who is a Christian and wanted to obey of God`s commandment, to be baptized. "The like figure whereunto [even] baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." (1Peter 3:21)KJV
She is a treasure, who was abandoned by parents in early childhood, spent all her life in baby house and orphanages. Today she is child of God and she has a Heavenly Father, who loves her so much!Yana was so happy and  thrilled at this special day of her life.We are SO happy for her!!!Praise God for this wonderful blessing!!!!
And other very special blessing for us. Andrew, who supports BOM, came here from USA for 6 weeks and wished to be baptised in Ukraine. What?! When brother Misha, our pastor announced it, everyone was pleasantly surprised. Everyone could not believed for a some time. :) But we were so happy and it blown away our mind.Wow!

This young guy had no possibility to do it in his country. Our pastor Misha was happy to baptize him. :)

God miraculously blessed this special day for all of us. He blessed with a nice and sunshine weather, as we have rainy days here during several weeks already.So, we had a wonderful church ministry near beautiful river.

Everyone enjoyed and especially these two in white clothes.

Then congratulated them with flowers

Don't they look happy? I love their beautiful smiles!

Then everyone wanted make pictures with baptized souls.

Stella`s family

Kozak family and others....

Yesterday Andrew went home. It was so hard to say goodbye to him... Everybody hardly kept tears. We had sooooo many blessed days visiting orphans, lonely souls and beautiful places of Ukraine. We enjoyed fellowship and had lots of fun. God amazingly blessed his presence in Ukraine!Spent time with this young guy was awesome!

Andrew said, when he visited last summer he was a guest and a new friend, now he feels like a close friend and that we all (with church)are family to him. It was hard to hear in prayer when he prayed, "God please, help me come back my home in Ukraine". But. He is gonna come back in the end of this year, in winter!Yay! If the Lord will allow, we will meet in 6 months again! Yes, his heart is here, in fairytale country as he says :) So excited of his coming again.

We all love how he looks in Ukrainian traditional vyshyvanka :) 
By the way many people ask about poppies. These are wild poppies in the field. We have lots of fields like this one. No one planted them :) God is a great gardener.The best we found is here, where I blogged before.

If you still hesitate or come to Ukraine...and spend time with members of BOM visiting orphans and lonely souls, graduating orphans, beautiful places of Ukraine. You are welcome! You never will be the same and come back home with another heart. Yes, it is absolutely safe now to be in center and west of Ukraine, despite terrible war we have now, except east of Ukraine. At least for today... Just let us know and we will be just happy to help you! :)

THANK YOU Jesus for ALL blessings! You are SO good as always!!!! ♥

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25