May 8, 2014

The great blessing and prayer request

We are so and so excited!!!!!! Yesterday we were able to purchase blankets and some kitchen utensils for 70 graduates in orphanages. Praise God!What a great blessing it will be for these orphans!

But in an hour (it seems I would not sleep this night :) ) we should go to other city to purchase kitchen pots. We did not have a place in the van. Maybe we should start to pray for a bigger van? Lol.

Also, since the Crimea now occupied, if you follow news about Ukraine. So, the driver could not bring pots, we had ordered for a long time to another city, on the mainland, nearly west in Ukraine. Finally the driver brought them today. And we can go and pick up.

So we have several prayer requests. 
We were very tired physically these days. We need a strength as the road is faraway. Please pray that God would give us strength and safe on the road.

But most of all, we ask you to pray for our safety. Tomorrow in Ukraine, May 9 Victory Day is a great day. Usually in this day in the cities, people celebrate this Victory Day, parades, fireworks, a lot of people, etc. We read news and the interim president Turchinov and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk warns that there may be a diversions and provocations by the separatists in all regions over Ukraine. Can be planted bombs, where crowds of people and whatever. Police in this day will be more careful, circumspect, will look and control everything. But our Heavenly Father is better than any police!Thank you so much!!!

"...except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh [but] in vain". (Psalm 127:1)KJV


  1. AnonymousMay 08, 2014

    Praying for a safe and uneventful trip, and for lots of energy and good health for all of you and your friend Andrew. I mailed two more boxes of clothing today - there are three pairs of pajamas for Edik, Vitya, and Maxim in the smaller box, and some shirts for older boys - maybe graduates could use them?? in the larger box, which also contains some knit shirts for smaller boys. I hope they arrive safely and will help.

    Praying for you, BOM, all those you help, and your beautiful country...

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers!We had a wonderful and safe trip.Even with a little adventure. :) But God has been so good to us!
      What a joy!Thanks for boxes. We will be just glad to bless these all souls.

      God bless you, Susan!

  2. AnonymousMay 11, 2014

    Oops, I meant "Roman", not "Maxim"! I am not even sure who "Maxim" would be! The pajamas and shirts should fit little vitya's Cousin Roman. I have no idea why I gave him the wrong name.

    I am thankful that your trip went so well - the pictures of the countryside are beautiful, and two of them look like the Ukrainian flag. I wish all of Ukraine was as peaceful as the part shown in these lovely pictures.

    susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from ee
    p.s. my keyboard won't let me use some capital letters for some reason...

  3. I assumed that Maxim it could be Roman. ;)Thank you for packages!

    Yeah!It what we said the same. The countryside looks like the Ukrainian flag.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25