May 17, 2014

First two orphanages

The last few days were great here!Our hearts rejoice and sing glory for our amazing Creator and Heavenly Father!!!

BOM team packed these beautiful kitchen supplies for graduates.Aren't they cute? ;)

Then we had ready gifts for 70 graduating orphans

And then we went!
Biblical time, the last meeting was awesome in first orphanage!

We had a wonderful time! The subject was about choice. Every person does many choices and from his choices depends his life. From his choice depends, where he will spend eternal life after his death, in hell or heaven. 

These two precious souls did a right choice, follow Jesus Christ. They they both, Natasha and Tolik accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour!Hallelujah!!!

 At the end of meeting we presented gifts. God's treasure, Bibles...

Such cute kitchen supplies...

and beautiful blankets.Undoubtedly, they all were so excited and so happy by these necessary and precious gifts! Thank God for this amazing blessing!

Then, next day we went to other orphanage.After the Biblical time we gave gifts.
You would see how they were excited to receive Bibles and other beautiful blessings!

I love this picture! This is HOW orphans are happy and appreciate blessings from the Lord. ♥


All kids were SO happy and thanked greatly!What a great blessing!

But the most awesome blessing we had that in this orphanage about 8-10 graduating orphans asked Jesus Christ saved them and change their lives!We are SO happy that these sweet souls did a right choice in their lives!Can be a better blessing? :) Hallelujah!Hallelujah!!!!!!!!

Glory to God for His mercy and grace, for His love and blessings!!!!!!
Next week we are going to visit next several orphanages. Can not wait!Your prayers would be greatly appreciated!
THANK YOU being a part of these astonishing blessings!!! ♥


  1. They look so happy !
    What a marvelous job you are doing.
    God bless you.

    1. This what is doing God! We would not be able to do this job without His grace and mercy :) Thank you for the comment. God bless you too!

  2. Thank you for all you are doing for these beautiful teens. Love seeing all the pictures. Praise God.


  3. Thank you for the nice comment, Tina :) I am glad to hear that you like all the pictures.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25