March 21, 2014

Awesome gifts to hundreds kids

I am so excited to share with you what an awesome journeys we had to orphanages!

Some time ago we raised funds to bless the teenagers and young adults with personal care items.  Also Lord Jesus wonderfully blessed with a lot of soft toys. Finally we were able to deliver all these blessings to the children. You should see how much there was joy, admiration, glowing eyes and shining sweet faces! Children were overjoyed and so happy!!!! Some guys said, I can not believe that I have a personal shower gel and soap! Many greatly thanked and were so excited! It was soooo amazing to see such happy souls!

Due to the very tense situation in Ukraine, we had to change the whole program that was prepared earlier. Since we felt and saw that we had to talk about something different. We are safe and continue to serve the Lord. But we are very concerned about the future of our country and do not know what will happen tomorrow, because every day here is something going on ... But the Lord Jesus comforts through His Word and gives peace to the heart. So greatly thankful to Jesus for Bible! Such a wonderful and amazing blessing to find comfort and peace through reading of this treasure. We will continue to serve while the Lord keeps the door open. :)  We praise God that today`s  situation has united Ukraine! 
Please pray for our beautiful country, that the Lord would not have allowed the war and everything will be solved peacefully. Thank you so much, dear friends!!!!

So we decided this time to tell the Bible story of Goliath and David. (1 Samuel 17) This giant Goliath, it can be any fear, weakness, anything. But we can have victory through the Lord as David. But we should put our trust on the Lord but not a human. 

We sang songs about the Lord.Learned the Bible verse with kids.Then we played the game, Be David.Who gave the correct answer to a question about the Bible story, had the right to hit by the stone in Goliath.

All the children were thrilled and everyone wanted to be David for a moment! :) Kids LOVED the game!

At the end meeting, we sang the Christian song, Prayer for Ukraine.Please, do not judge our singing so seriously as we are not professionals. :)

Kids loved the song "I'm in the Lord's army" and enjoyed by singing. At the end all kids received a beautiful gifts. Younger kiddies got toys but teens received personal care items. Such a great joy!

So sweet little boy :)

Then, the same program we had in the next orphanage. God blessed everything wonderfully also.All the children were excited and so happy!

Then the next orphanage for kids with special needs.
I wish that we did not do a video as younger children started to laugh, when the puppets began to sing. We could only hear the loud laughter. :) And if children laugh, so that's great!
The game

I love as kids were singing! :)

Isn`t she precious? :)

And then the last, we visited orphanage for boys with special needs

This boy was so excited that kissed his gift! :)

Also boys received many different games, puzzles etc.So glad for them!

We had so much fun with kids and so amazing time in orphanages! Wow! Praise God!!! 
Thank you!Thank you!THANK YOU very much to all, who took part in the project to bless teens and young adults by this awesome and so necessary gift and prayers also! :) Many, many thanks for sending of packages with toys and all goodies to bless kids!What a great joy and blessing!!!!So excited!!!

At the end of meetings in every orphanage, we prayed together with kids and staff of orphanages for peace in our country and God protect us all. All workers of orphanages  greatly concern about Ukraine and pleaded us pray for them and kids. God gave us opportunity to witness workers of orphanages also. Now most people understand, only God can help to solve the trouble in the country.We ask you to pray all the time. God, be merciful to Ukraine...


  1. What a wonderful witness of the love of Christ! You are truly being HIs hands in the world. How good it is to see such joy on the faces of the children.

    You choose exactly the right Bible lesson, too! :-)

    Ukraine and her wonderful people are in my prayers throughout the day. Most of today's news was a little more encouraging. Ukraine has many friends!

    From one of your friends,
    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Ah, thank you very much for such lovely comment, Susan!

      It's greatly encourage us having so many friends! That we are not alone.
      Thanks a lot to be such a sweet friend :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25