March 22, 2014

Baby Shower!

We had a Baby Shower for our 2 sweet mommies few days ago, for Zhenya and Olechka! Yay! It was sooo amazing!Many, many big thanks for your wonderful support of these precious families!Praise God!!!

We had lots of fun, blessed Olga and Zhenya with a beautiful many presents, for their precious babies and at the end we had sweets with tea. They both were surprised and soooo happy! What a great joy and blessing!

Here are some photos.
We made some decorations and diaper cakes

Diaper cake for a little girl :)

Cute napkins and wishes for moms.

In this way, we have met our moms. All instantly became pregnant :)))

Here we played the game. Where everyone tried to guess the size of the mothers tummy. Tearing a piece of paper at random. It was very funny!

In the next game, all written at random height and weight of the child. Wins the one, who said the closest numbers. But we will know the winner after childbirth. Lol.

Here participants had to find as many pairs of socks.

Winner is the one, who collected the most pairs. It was sooo fun!

Then each guessed the date of birth babies and noted it on the calendar.

Pink footsteps for a girl and blue for boy. The following month, we find out who guessed the date of birth or was closest.

Mothers took a calendar with themselves.

 What baby the first would drink milk? ;0)

Sweet mommies with diaper cakes.

Then Olga and Zhenya were blessed for their kids, by clothing, blankets, toys and many more.

 Now they are ready!

 They were so excited!


 In the end we had tea, sweets and fruits.

So happy and blessed precious mommy :)

Please pray for Olechka Kozak!!! She is feeling not well lately. The next day after "baby shower" she got to hospital. It seems she will be there till a birth of baby.

Doctors can not understand what is going on. Some of the symptoms are very similar to what she can give birth and at the same time they say that the body is not yet ready for it. Baby is very active. Olechka is asking you all very much for prayer support. She got tired very much and can not wait when she will be holding in her hands her precious babe. 

No one can say when the baby can be born. Please, support our precious mommy in your prayers these days. That delivery would be safely, if it came time. That the baby and mother would be healthy, for peace in the heart of Olga, for good doctors and other medical workers. Thank you very much!


  1. I've never experienced a baby shower and never been at one... I didn't know it was so much fun ! :)
    I believe these girls must have been so happy and feel so valued !

    1. Oh, really?! I first learned about the baby shawer from the Christian movie, and then saw on the internet. I loved this idea. It 's so wonderful! Because this is such a great support for pregnant mom and I especially love making surprises. :) This is such very especially holiday for the young orphaned mothers. As they never had holidays. I thought why not make this surprise for our moms? It was our first experience also. Everything was just wonderful, great fun and all were delighted.

      As I know Baby Shower came to our Continent, to Western Europe from US. Well, today is already practice in Ukraine. Of course , not many know about it yet . Since we practice in Ukraine celebrate the birth of a baby after he was born and in many ways different from the Baby Shower . But this holiday is fun :)
      Thanks for the comment!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25