December 30, 2013

Bad news. Prayers for precious pregnant mommies!

I have bad news for you dear Friends.

Recently, I told you that Kolya and Zhenya are expecting their second baby. But we learned that our sweet mommy may lose this precious babe... Please, pray for the health of our young mom and her little treasure. That this sweet family might rejoice, when the little one will born.

And more bad news and prayer request.
Our dearest Olga very poorly tolerates pregnancy.She has a very bad anemia. Olga suffer from this since her childhood. Never been treating her health in orphanage.Does anyone pay attention to this minor illness?

I was not paying attention as well... Until the doctor Olga said that it is very bad. This not only affects the development of the child and mother. But also in the birth process. The doctor said that there may be bad consequences with the child or the mother.  Or Olga simply  may not  survive during childbirth...

Here what I have found on Internet:

Severe or untreated iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy can increase your risk of having:

  • A preterm or low-birth-weight baby 
  • A blood transfusion (if you lose a significant amount of blood during delivery)
Doctors said they would do a blood transfusion for Olga, if the hemoglobin does not increase in the near future.
  • Postpartum depression
  • A baby with anemia
  • A child with developmental delays
What I have found HERE
Iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy is linked to an increased risk of preterm deliveryand low birth weight. It's also associated with a higher risk of stillbirth or newborn death, so it's something to take seriously.

We help our young mommy with iron rich foods but it does not help... And I am not very happy that Olechka has a bad appetite. Probably because of anemia?

Sasha is not happy doctor of Olga. He not once complained that he saw not a good attitude to his wife. Once a doctor appointed injections to increase iron in the blood Olga. When husband bought it, he read the instruction, he learned that these injections are contraindicated for pregnant women at all!It COULD KILL their baby!!!! Oh, my. Why are doctors so irresponsible??? But we trust them our life! So scary. Ooh!

Sasha complained chief medical clinic, explaining the situation. Chief doctor said that will deal with their doctor . And advised to continue to go for a visit, but do not buy medicine, those that she attributes, and to go to another doctor ( to whom she said ), and to consult with him.

Wouldn't it be better to change the doctor at all?I really do not know or they can do it.One of these days, Sasha is going to go to the clinic to resolve this issue.

In any case. PLEASE, pray for lovely mother, for her health and their baby. If earlier she was not afraid to give birth. Today she is very scared. Sasha also worry and is afraid of losing his dearest and beloved wife and unborn sweet boy. Pray they trust more to the Lord and for peace in their hearts.Thanks a lot!!


  1. I pray God will bless these young women and their babies with good health and everyone involved will know it is from God.

  2. Thanks a lot, Anonymous! God bless you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25