December 27, 2013

New vision and a new hope

One day, a young girl came to visit an ophthalmologist with a nurse of orphanage. It was an ordinary workaday gray day, is no different from other days of this poor orphan. She is blind in her right eye and the left very bad sights...
 What the doctor will say? Perhaps there is some hope? After all, day by day I see the bad ... Thought 16 year old girl, sitting in front of a doctor waiting for something better. 

-Dear, things are very bad and you need to wear glasses. Do you know about that? The doctor asked. 
-Yes... But when I wear glasses, my head starts to spin. So I can not wear glasses... Replied the young lady. 
-Well, then you need the eye-lens. Can anyone help you? asked the doctor again knowing she is an orphan.

And here burst into loud laughter. 
-Who? Her lenses? You laugh!Who will help her?Who needs she?-sarcastically said the nurse of orphanage. 

Like a sharp sword plunged into the little heart! Sounded like the last sentence. "Who will help her and who needs she ..." 
So lonely and helpless, orphan girl was ready to burst into tears in the doctor's office, barely holding back tears ... The words stuck in head,  "Who needs she..."

This is a REAL story of young lady, Friends!This is a real story of orphan girl, who felt this hurt and had no hope!
It's NO secret. That many orphans have to pass through the valley of humiliation and helplessness...Many orphans pass through the valley of fear and without hope for help.

But this heartbreaking story has a wonderful end.And this is one more wonderful blessing about what I was going to share with you all for a sooooo long time...

Today, this precious soul distinguishes red and orange colors. Before  this, all blended into one. She began to see more clearly and to distinguish shapes and images. Lovely M. even started a little better to see! How awesome is that? Praise God!!!

This beautiful young lady has a wonderful sponsor from Canada.For the past half-year, she wears lenses already and sooooo happy that God answered her prayers!She is VERY grateful and always thanks God in prayers for this awesome blessing. How amazing is this to hear a thankful prayer from orphan?

Recently we learned that this poor girl has no winter shoes and wears a jacket of her classmate. Learning the details, praying and thinking how to help her. We learned that her friend and beautiful girl O. also had no a winter jacket and boots. Oh, poor children...How it can be?
I know. I know how they felt... One day, I was also in the winter without boots at orphanage.

Seeing and knowing how they are cold. We could not bear it! You should have seen HOW they are poor lambs cold and trembling at the day when we bought the necessary clothing and shoes. Still not understanding the size and did not really see self in the mirror. They trembly from the cold,  hurried to report. "Oh, I love it! I love and it's exelent for me!" When we again asked: "Are you sure?" "Oh, yes, yes!",-they happily responded with sparkling eyes. They both were overjoyed and so happy!!!!

We so and SO happy God miraculously provided winter jackets and boots to these lovely young ladies through His children, who opened their hearts to bless these orphans.We are so glad to know they will stay warm this winter. God is so good!!!

Next year(in a few days, :) ), in summer, these 2 precious girls will join to our local church and stay with us , where we fully will be able to help them in needed things and support them. We are so excited!
They can not wait for, when this will happen also, as they have to endure a lot and to go through at orphanage. But they also very scared, because they do not know what awaits them in the future and where to go.They both want to enrol to some colleges.Would you, please, remember them both in your prayers? 

Can you believe that these 5 ladies are from an one orphanage?
From the left to the right.  I, sweet M. in blue, Oksana(my sister) and precious Yaroslava.And lovely O., who is not on the picture. But I guess you already saw her above. :)
Hmm. Don't you find it interesting what God is doing? :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25