November 22, 2013

Caretakers for boys -- continue the project

A few weeks will be a year as with your help we raised the necessary sum and hired two caretakers to mental institution. Time flies awfully fast! Even can not believe that a year has passed ... Thanks to the many wonderful people, generous donors in small and huge donations and even anonymous donors ... The boys were able to receive the necessary care and attention. 

Looking through the list of donors, tears flow with joy, happiness and humble heart ... How many people opened their generous hearts to these lonely and abandoned boys. How many gave gifts of love, wanting to change the lives of disadvantaged children. How many prayed, sent emails, shared on social networks spreading the word.... Tears of joy flow from thinking how great and amazing our Lord Jesus Christ. How He wonderfully blessed and poured out His astonish love to these precious souls, showing His care for them. Those, whom the world considers unworthy...

Only for several weeks we were able to raise  more then $6000! Wow! It was a AMAZING miracle!

These wonderful caretakers faithfully performed their job and did everything, what they were told to do.

They dressed boys and got out outdoors

Changed clothes, when it was necessary

Сhanged diapers

Fed those, who cannot eat by themselves.

Washed the children, watch order and cleanliness in the rooms. Washed and mopped the floors and much more.
But the most. They replaced mothers to these treasures, hugging, comforting and wiping away tears. Children are very used to them already.
The administration of this institution are very happy and every time as our arrival, always  thank for the great rendered help with "extra hands". But we know that this would not have happened without your participation. :)

A HUGE need and desire of administration and ours certainly, again hire these same caretakers signed a contract for a year. They are perfectly cope with their work providing care and attention to these tiny kids. Especially that it is vitally important, Friends. So our desire is that to continue this vital project, what we started a year ago. Their presence in the institution and the attention that they give the sweet boys is LIFE CHANGING for the children that they work with.
But we can not hire them until would not be gathered all the necessary amount. We have very short time to raise $6000!

Will you help, please? Would you please consider an act of love on behalf of these precious souls?Every seed sown with love is a VERY great help and blessing. Each sent lovely gift, big or small, is greatly appreciated.

We kindly ask you with humble hearts...PLEASE.  Could you, please, find a minute to share about this great need wherever you are able, on social networks, blogs, emails... 

If the Lord Jesus has stirred up your heart and gives you the desire to participate in the life of these sweet boys. Your gift of love you can send via Paypal BOM Select option "I'm sending money to family or friends" and leave a note that this gift is to hire caretakers for boys.Thank you!
Thermometer on the right side of the blog, will show how much has been raised. Thank you very much to find a time and share this blog post. Thanks a lot for your involvement. We really appreciate it!!!

We pray for a miracle and mercy of our Heavenly Father to these poor and abandoned boys.Would you pray with us, please?THANK YOU!!!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25