November 20, 2013

"Mama I`m gonna kill you"

People often ask. How children live in orphanages? What they do there? What do they feel? What do they dream of? Why children run away from orphanages? Why such a horrible statistic is that 10% of children commit suicide after leaving orphanages? and many others.

This is not a Christian but a documentary film "Mama I`m gonna kill you", made in one of the orphanages Russia, shows very well the lives of children in the orphanage, their dreams and feelings...

Terrible! But it is heartbreaking truth is what we are seeing in orphanages...
Maybe this film will help you understand, WHY your support is SO important to us, especially prayers. And we apreciate it VERY much.Why BOM team , brings Good News to the poor orphans. Since only Jesus Christ can heal these broken and wounded hearts. As God healed hearts of BOM team, who were former orphans. 
Maybe this film will help you to understand the lives of children in orphanages, their feelings and WHY their hearts are often bitter. Why, need YEARS to heal their children's hearts and distressed precious souls.

(Psalm 27:10) KJV "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up". 

Some moments reminded me of a past life in orphanages, where I spent many years... This movie is impossible to watch without tears...

The film on YouTube:


  1. Just got through watching this. So sad. :(

  2. Oh Alla, I am so sorry this is what your life was like. Thank God for your big beautiful heart to share your heart for this, what it was like, what kids feel, what hopes they have. So sad their dreams are just waiting inside of them, they are all so talented and perfect. May change come and fill their souls with the love that they are missing. Thank you for what you do each and every day to minister to these precious orphans. I love you! <3

  3. I just watched this heart aches for them. So sad to see their dreams crushed. *Praying for you all.*


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25