October 3, 2013

Need prayers for healing

I was going tell you about some awesome blessings we have. But a some precious soul needs our prayers of healing during these days.

Olga student, who because of your wonderful care and support today is getting an education. She is very glad! 
This sweet soul needs $661 more to be fully funded! Our thermometer on the blog, shows that we are so close to our goal $1700! :) Great! Thanks a lot everyone, who is taking part in it. 

But on Tuesday from school by tutor was called an ambulance and she was taken to hospital with high fever. On examination she was diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis . Poor girl . Olechka is very sick right now and looks very sickly. She can not walk alone. When she stands up, she feels dizzy and feels bad. I do not know the reason . Maybe because of the high fever? 

But on the first day, when we came to visit her , we have not talked for a long time . And she decided to show us the wound on her hand opening it, because she already  putted a drip. It was a bit bleeding . She said, "Oh, I wish I did not show you it. I feel sick".  Poor girl suddenly felt bad  and fell to the floor. We have not even had time to react, because we did not think that she might lose consciousness! Oh, my! We're all frightened started to call on the help of nurses . We worried that she did not have a concussion because she hit of the head. Most  sadly that we could not catch her and give help . As we were talking at the door , through a special small window, where you can visit the sick in the isolation ward and communicate. All that we could shout it , knock on the window and call for help. We were very scared. Poor girl . Nurses ran in time and looked  fearfulness also . When we explained to one of the nurses that Olga girl from the orphanage , alone and she needs special support . The nurse started to calm us , that we would not have to worry , because there are all good providers in this ward . And they will take care of this precious girl . It's a little reassured us .

 Every day we buy it necessary that the doctor prescribes medicines and food. The hospitals are not well fed. If you no one will bring additional food, you'll be a long time to recover, or even more sick...

This loving soul needs your prayers now and these next days.Also, please, keep pray we can raise all necessary funds to help this sweetheart with education and getting medication to be healed soon.Thank you so much!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25