September 30, 2013

Not good news

Well. I have not good news for you, dear Friends.

All the while we were busy in search of housing for family Zhenya

We glued  announcements wherever possible, called , went to several towns , walked for hours through the streets and homes, and asked the people, also we left the announcement in some newspaper . In those cities, where we thought we settle this family , there are no agents or brokers, who could help in the search for housing. People have to do it yourself. It seems, you can spend months in searching of housing...

It was difficult, because it is very cold right now in Ukraine +7, +10C(+44.6, +50F) This weather is usually in late October or November. Do not even want to leave the house, when the rain every day for 6 weeks, very cold and damp. Brrr! Many people have started to get sick. We are all , by the grace of God are healthy.

Rain washed away everything. We  had to renew the announcements  . And all this is to no avail. We can not find housing for this poor family. We do not know what to do. Maybe God has a different plan , or we just have to wait or go to other cities and towns ? I do not know. We need your prayer support , friends. That God has opened what is in His plans. What He wants that we would do. That He would direct our hearts and eyes , where He wants,  where ever the family settled.PLEASE, keep pray!Thanks a lot.

Zhenya is worried much. Almost daily calls and asks, if we found something ...

So beautiful sky on the way home!

Few minutes later. :(

P.S. Even in these desperate days we have AMAZING blessing! I can not wait to share with you all! :)


  1. Praying for you, everyone else with BOM, and for all those whom you assist in so many different and good ways. I hope good housing will be found soon for Zhenya's family, and that the weather will warm up!

    Thinking of you,
    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from EE (whom I just saw last weekend! They're growing up fast!)

    1. How sweet, Susan!Thank you for prayers and for the weather as well. We have +5С (+41 F)today. It is very cold! Brrr! In some regions of Ukraine the first snow fell.Not good.
      Hospitals, schools, kindergartens, homes, etc. not heated at all! All is feeling cold and become to sick.

      So glad you could to see your cousins! :)

  2. *Praying for good, affordable housing soon.* *Praying for healthy bodies.* *Praying for the BOM Team and all they serve.*

    1. Thanks a lot!Thanks your prayers we stay healthy that we can serve our great and wonderful God! Blessings!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25