September 6, 2013

Incredible blessing to Kozak family!

A while ago we thought and prayed. We did not know what to do. We knew that we will have several projects. And all these projects were urgently. We knew it would cost a huge finances.

 Honestly, we did NOT know, what Projects to start first. Since it was necessary to help  poor Lena , who had been big term pregnancy and she undernourished and had many other difficulties . Our desire is that a baby girl Sophia was born healthy to the delight of her loving mommy and glory of God. We also urgently needed to raise funds to help Olya go to school and help in the basic needs. 
By the grace of God Lena feels good because of your love and care. Olya is in school getting education. By the way. Please, keep pray for Lena. Today or tomorrow she should give a birth of little precious angel. We hope. :) 

But at the SAME time, we needed to raise finances to continue to support the family Kozak with their cute kiddie Ehdick. 

The year already has gone as BOM supports this sweet family. Wow!Time flies so fast!

These pictures have been taken year ago.Do you believe it? :)

Through your prayers and care, they raise their baby strong and healthy. Aren`t he is cute? Everyone here adore him :)

Sasha continues his study at the trade school . Olga is a very loving mother . She often says , " I'm so glad and happy that I did not leave Ehdick in an baby house and did not listen to blandishment workers of orphanage . Everyone said, that you will not unable to do it. You are very young . Why do you need it? You have to get an educating, etc. Now I can not imagine my life without my babe". So priceless.

We understood that and knew very well, if we do not help this precious family, they will be on the street. Hundreds of thoughts, worries, our heads were spinning! What to do? How to be? All we could do, was to pray. Pray to the Lord leaving this need to Him . Trusting that He would provide. Plead Him to do a miracle and take care of the family. He sees everything. He knows everything.

And do you know what?! :) Our great God prompted hearts of an one beautiful Christian family from Australia, wrote to us and inform that they would like to help this family, so that they can pay for rent and their other needs.Oh, my! Reading the email, I could not believe. Is it dream or what?How it can be? INCREDIBLE! It is amazing how God works and takes care!

Thus God sent HUGE gift of love $3000 to this precious family Kozak, for ONE MORE year! Unbelievable! It is incredible how God pours out His tender love at His children!Praise God!Praise God!

It is even more overwhelmed and humbled our hearts when they said, "... we are not worthy at all to even do YOUR shoelaces up on your feet. We are not important or special people, and our desire is that the Lord gets full credit for the work HE does". Just tears... Tears of joy. Oh, how great and good our Heavenly Father!Tell me.What is impossible for Him? 
"Behold, I [am] the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" 

THANK YOU!Thank you very much for your generously and amazing support! I often think that our "thanks" never will be enough...All glory to the Lord Jesus! Only He worthy of praise and honor!


  1. Tears of joy to read this. So precious and beautiful. Praise God for His wonderful provision for these dear ones.

    1. Yes,Praise God!!!Olya and Sasha are so happy, they can live one more year not thinking about housing, where they will spend next night.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25