September 7, 2013

Expecting a baby

Lena is at hospital now in delivery room. She has not given birth yet. We are all expecting for when Sophia will come to this world. But her mommy Lena, this precious girl is VERY scared and crying... She called and asked me that I would have attended to her at birth. Having a little experience a year ago, :) I would have to go and support the Lena  in this exciting moment. I started to worry too. We need your prayers now so much! Please, please pray!Pray for peace in heart, good childbirth and healthy baby!Thank you!!!


  1. Lena was my grandmother's name! May God bless and keep Lena and her baby safe from all harm and danger, giving Lena peace and confidence that he is with her and able to take care of her every need. May he enable her and give her all the support she needs at this exciting time in her life as she is experiencing so many different feelings and changes. May God use Lena and her baby to show others his power and love. -- Dawn Baggett, Alabama

    1. Oh, that is interesting, Dawn Baggett!Thanks a lot for prayers!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25