September 8, 2013

Welcome to the world, little Sophia!

This morning, around 8:30 am I got a phone call.
-Alla, please come! I am very afraid! I'm scared! through her tears, weeping bitterly called Lena.
-All will be well, dear! I'm going!

I hurriedly began to gather at the hospital. I started to worry a bit. Arriving at the hospital and saw this precious girl that she was in good order. I calmed down and the Lord gave me peace in my heart. I belived that everything will be well. I realized that Lena should have give a birth to a sweet baby today. She was VERY scared.Hmm. Not surprise.

It was not easy for her. I consoled and encouraged, Lena as I could, doing massage, read comforting verses from the Bible and prayed. But the Lord gave me the confidence and peace of mind that everything will be fine. The perfect peace of God filled my heart. I am so grateful to Him for that! Thank God, my past  little experience was very useful. I told Lena, what to do and how, etc. Also God blessed with a very good medical staff, doctor, obstetrician and others.

And .. at 1.25 pm a miracle happened!A little Sophia arrived to this world!Oh, my! Tears. Just tears of happiness.
My first words were. -Oh my! She is so cute! :)

She is sooooo precious!Born one small miracle. She's just a gem and treasure!

She is SO beautiful! Isn`t she? :)

We are so happy for Lena!
One more miracle  happened. Doctors were surprised  partly, that Lena, being small in stature and delicate constitution, gave birth to a big baby 3,550 kilograms(7826.3 pounds) and 54 centimeters(21.26 inches). Is not a miracle and mercy of the Lord?

Sofia is a healthy precious girl. And all thanks to you, my friends! We have helped and fed Lena, that a baby would was born healthy. Praise God it happened!
Our young mommy is doing very well and still can not believe that has happened this miracle. :) Also, the Lord gave me strength and I am not tired, despite the fact that only 3 hours I slept. :) Working at night, I went to bed just before dawn at 5.00 am and after 3 hours Lena called me. I'm so glad that God gave me strength and also to be with our sweet mommy and support her in this exciting moment. It's AMAZING how God set it up, and blessed!!!

We are SO grateful for all your prayers and support! I believe thanks to your prayers and mercy of our Saviour everything went just perfectly!What an amazing joy and blessing!God is sooooo good, as ALWAYS!  :)


  1. Beautiful story! I loved reading how God took care of you all. Beautiful baby! Congratulation to Lena!

  2. Oh what a beautiful baby girl! Please tell Lena congratulations for us! Witnessing the birth of a new precious soul is one of the most amazing privileges!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25