June 16, 2013

It is never late to get a new friends :)

Hello dear Followers and Friends!
I would like to apologize that lately I am not very good in update and make you wait for any news.Thanks for patience and faithfulness.We appreciate it very much!

Having shared about amazing visits of all graduates we had recently, I simply forgot to tell you about one more experience we had.There were too many pictures and events and I wanted to tell you about everything and forgot about it.But when I pressed "publish" the post, just in moment I remembered about one more thing.But it was too late so I decided to tell you in next blog post. :)

So, when we visited orphanages and had meeting with graduated orphans, God blessed us with new friends, who had possibility to meet our precious kids also in an one orphanage and shared about God`s love with them.
Kim, in pink shirt on the right side and Olga her interpreter with teens
 All kids wanted to know, why Kim came to Ukraine from America, what she is doing here etc.They LOVE guests!This young lady with all her sweet family are going to move to Ukraine soon and serve to orphans with special needs.How exciting!Olga is a lovely Christian as well.

All teenagers loved our new friends and we had great fellowship with them.
Then we had dinner at cafe and chating about our dreams and many other things.It was great day to meet this sweet follower of Christ in person with a big heart to orphaned children, who follows our blog during  a year already :) Wow!It is SO exciting to meet those, who "knew" you already.
It was fun and exciting day with our new friends!

 A man [that hath] friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend [that] sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24(KJV)


  1. AnonymousJune 16, 2013

    so happy for good Christian fellowship regardless of nationality!!!! May you all be an encouragement to one another as you serve the Lord in your beautiful country and serve some of the most vulnerable.~Trina Scoda

    1. Thank you so much, Trina!For Christians, born again, who loves Jesus with all heart, the nationality does not matter :) Thank you for the love to kids in our country!

  2. Awwwww yay! I had the best time with you all. I was so wishing Jed could spend time too, but we ran out of time. Good thing we'll meet again soon in November! Thanks so much for letting Olya and I tag along! :)

    1. Absolutely!We will be just happy to meet again!You are welcome.It was fun and blessed time with you and Olga. :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25