June 22, 2013

Gifts to boys

We are very glad could to visit our precious boys!
Thanks to your lovely donations, we were able to buy diapers and  very good britches to all boys!Yay!What a blessing!Thank you so much dear Friends!

For those, who does not know yet.
If you would like to be part of the ministry and wonderful blessing to these orphans, showing your love and care to the needy ones.Only $15.00 for a month can be VERY helpful to Monthly Sponsorship for Boys Institution. You can send your monthly gift  on the right side of the blog, at the top.Thanks a lot!

Also we could spend some time with kids.

But most of all we are very happy to see that our caretakers LOVE these children!We could meet the lovely caregiver E. in working time.She was dressing children.

And she changed clothes of wet boys.
This lady has so soft and lovely heart.What is SO important to these abandoned children! E. said, these children are as my children. It was such a blessing to hear it.She is as a loving mother, who are worthless for the world, pour out her love as much as she can.

And one more precious blessing was hear from caregivers.
Some MORE boys receive a special formula, children`s food, what BOM brings there!Yay!
Love this smile :)

It was so nice to hear.That organism of this sweet boy with such sad eyes, began to digest a food much better. Our caregiver said, when she started to work several months ago, he vomited after every meal.Poor boy... Now he does it not so often, when they began to feed him special formula for kids.Such a progress!

Andrew demonstrated to us his muscles.He stays a guy! :)

Thanks everyone, who reads our updates! Many thanks for all your daily prayers and wonderful support!You are such a huge blessing to orphaned children in Ukraine! :)


  1. Thank you so much for ministering to these precious treasures of God.

    1. It is a great honor, God's favor and the privilege to serve these poor children.And bring, if only a little light to their lives.Thank you, Lisa!

  2. AnonymousJune 22, 2013

    What a blessing for these boys to have such a kind caregiver - thank you for letting us know about E., along with updating us about the boys.

    Susan in Kentucky

    1. We are very glad about this caregiver also!

  3. How wonderful and awesome that these sweet boys receive such kindness and mercy.

    1. Ivy, we were impressed to see it and excited.So happy for the boys!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25