June 27, 2013

Preparation for wedding

We are not able to visit our beloved dear kiddies and do some mission work.We will start next week.Because....?!Yes, you read correctly!We are in process preparation to a wedding!How exciting is it?!Yay!

All our BOM team is members of one small and very friendly church.I love my church so much!Brother Misha is pastor as you know.So, we have to do so many and soooo many things to be ready!

Some of our lovely friends, members of our local Bible Baptist Church Charity are going to marriage this Saturday, the 29th of June.We are super and pretty excited for them!It is so amazing to see and know how God knits hearts of beloved ones together forever!It is so romantic! ;)))

You do not have to do it...But we would be so kindly thankful if you, please, remember us in your prayers.We have super busy days, so many phone calls, all kinds of practise, so many shopping and so and so and so many. Pray for this day of wedding, for nice weather, as forecast shows it should be rain :( and for bride Lyuba and groom Dima as well. Thank you very much!

And I can show you some pictures here after wedding.If you are interested.Just let us know! :)

My love to all!


  1. AnonymousJune 27, 2013

    You have my prayers, and I'd love to see pictures of the wedding! Best wishes and congratulations to Lyuba and Dima! What a happy, busy, and exciting time!

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

  2. I'd LOVE to see pictures! What an exciting time! Praying for you always ♥ Bree

  3. AnonymousJune 27, 2013

    Praying and would love to see photos too.

    Trina Scoda

  4. Поздравления жениху и невесте. Да будет крепок ваш союз!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25