May 22, 2013

New windows are established!

Hello dear friends and faithful followers of our blog!

I`m so excited to share with you that our project with windows in orphanage for boys with special needs finally finished.It took little longer time as we thought and planed to do.But anyway it is done!
New beautiful 10 windows are established!Administration, staff and boys warmly thanked. Some staff of orphanage even have been amazed :)

We are so grateful everyone for your generous hearts and kindness!

Thanks your wonderful donations and love, boys have new windows in their bedrooms now. Yay!

They will feel warmly in cold climate.But most, they can see and feel your love and tender care through this awesome blessing.

THANK YOU!Thank you VERY MUCH for taking part in this wonderful project, caring of orphans.We are so humble.How we can thank you all? ;)
This is so great blessing to the orphanage and precious boys!May the Lord Jesus bless you all and your families!THANK YOU!!!

P.S. We have some amazing blessings!Can not wait to share with you all ;)


  1. How wonderful! The windows look great. I'm sure the boys will enjoy them.

    1. Thank you!Yes, boys told us that they are very glad.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25