May 14, 2013

A blessing days with new friends

Hello everyone!Finally I can update about some wonderful blessings we have.

In previous blog post I told you that some family from USA is going to come and spend some days with BOM.So, they came and we had amazing time visiting of orphans! God has been so good to us!  We had a wonderful and fun time.

So, we had a possibility to visit our little treasures telling them about God.

The weather is very nice now, such warm as summer. After program we played with kiddies outside, blew bubbles.

They were so excited, rejoiced to play and catch bubbles!It was so sweet and fun time.

In the end kids received beautiful pajamas.It was even more joy! :) Thank you very much, Susan Booker!

Then, we visited another our beloved souls with Bible lessons.At this time we have spoken about 10 plagues of Egypt.

As we need extra hands always.Our new friends were wonderful blessing and helped to those, who needed help.

Girls made craft frogs, as one of plague of Egypt. :)

Also Jesus gave us a possibility to visit a young lady, who gave birth a little precious baby.We congratulated her, and presented necessary difference items to newborn boy. 

Honestly, we have been in shock.We thought probably..,probably someone could to help this family, knowing their situation. As Zhenya is very young orphaned mother and her husband works since New Year and brings to home 100-200grivna for a month ($12.5-$25.00 sometimes more...). When we came...We could not believe and it absolutely broken our hearts...The newborn baby is so tiny and small that the clothes we bought smallest size, it is still too big for him.
This little darling boy had only ONE baby linen that a hospital gave and mother should return it.This family had not at home food,  ABSOLUTELY nothing! Even it is very nice weather outside, at home was very cold because the house is very old. We told to the mother that she keep open a door that warm air come to the house.Outside is much warmer than inside! But it is heavy in same time because there hundreds mosquitos! It was impossible to sit there! Oh, poor little boy Vitya...  Mosquitos bites him all time! We wanted to buy something against these creatures. But did not find.This family lives in small town and people snapped up everything! This year we have too many mosquitos! Brrrrr!

Zhenya was very happy received the food and all items to her baby. Can you imagine her condition, being a hungry daily, plus breastfeeding her boy, at cold home, being bite by mosquitos every day, having nothing to her baby, living is such poverty and not having ANY hope for help...Oh, my! I even can not imagine how it can be? When she showed to us her son Vitya, I was ready to cry...

 Seeing the condition of this family, it is very heavy...It is so sad and breaks heart.

The Lord Jesus brought us not only help in physical needs, tell about Him to the mother again. When we have been there, Zhenya`s father had guest there, who spent many years at orphanage too.He is not able to help to his children.He even did not have money come back to home, where he lives...We shared the Gospel with him as well.

But the most joy and awesome blessing for us was, when Zhenya`s neighbour, a teen Roma came to this house to see who visited  her ;) He lives without parents too, only with his older brother. This young man (in orange T-shirt on the picture) listened about God, salvation, His love and he asked Jesus Christ saved him! What an awesome blessing! Praise the Lord!
So, we have one more reason to visit this small town again and again. ;0)

We had wonderful and such blessed days with our new friends, this beautiful and Christ lovers family!
BOM team with family Branscum
Even we spent several days.  But we were ready to cry telling them goodbye. Tell me, why it is so heavy to say goodbye sometimes? :)


  1. What wonderful visits you all had and such a blessing to all those you saw.

    The orphans, teens, and new baby are in my prayers. The BOM team is in my prayers too.

    Are mosquito nets available there?

    Alla - I really like your skirt, very pretty. :)

    1. Thank you for prayers!

      Well.We never used mosquito nets here. Only anti flies. But we have anti mosquitos cream, candles, anti-mosquito plug-in(fumigator) for adults and babies, bracelets. Probably something else.I do not know. These all things we have found recently. We never used before(except fumigators at homes) because we had not so many mosquitos as this year.

      About my skirt. Thank you! It helps me sometimes to hide my feet from mosquitos. :)))


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25