April 11, 2013


As you know, several months ago we had a project to hire caregivers to precious boys, who need a care.

We prayed for the mighty army of the church of God to do life changing for these tiny and sweet boys.God did it!He made fabulous miracle! Showing His generous hand for caring for those the world says are worthless.

So, we have a wonderful news and update about caregivers!

They feed children, they change diapers, wash the floor in their rooms and make their bed.When is warm weather they take them outside. These sweet ladies take very good care of boys and do everything they have been told to do.They know boys very well already, their character, behaviour, who needs more care, attention and who what loves.

We very hope and pray their attention will make a big difference in the well-being of the boys. 

The administration of institution is very grateful for the support and boys have a better care.Yes, it is far away from perfect.But a little action of love can do a big thing!

And this simply could not happen without many hands and many hearts being spurred to action. Thank you very much! Thanks to your small and big gifts what have been given, boys receive more attention and love. We appreciate your support more than we can say. THANKS A LOT, dear Friends!God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to see this! It is wonderful to see how these ladies care for the boys.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25