April 20, 2013

An one broken heart

I`m not very good blogger for 10 days already.I am so sorry. :( We are busy with visit of orphans and another our mission work.I absolutely have not time.But I very hope and will try to find a time soon, to update what is going on here.Thank you for understanding.
But here I would love so much ask you to pray for a one precious soul with a broken heart and so lonely.Our hearts ache and are so sad.

After the Bible meeting with kids when our team already collected things that to come back home. One guy approached and started asking some questions of God and to disprove that he doesn't believe in that that the Bible speaks. I having looked back around, noticed that the team can handle without me,  having collected all things. This guy needs time to talk.

Having communicated some time and quoting, reading  places of Scripture from the Bible and arguing, he rejected everything and told it all is a lie and continued to argue.

At the end I told:
-Do you want to tell, that the Bible deceives?
-Yes! He in the affirmative answered.
-Is it mean God is a liar too?
-Yes.There was his answer.

I didn't believe that he told the truth because he promised to start reading the Bible before. In some moments he contradicted to himself.
-I believe, very deep in your heart that you believe in God and everything He says in the Bible.You just does not wish to accept it for some reason,- I continued .
He did not answer.
Hmm.. I told him.
-Vitaly, seems to me you not about it want to talk. You are interested not in it.
-How do you know?! There was a surprised question.
I smiled.
-I`m not 16 years old. I am a little older than you and I see you well.
Probably my answer wasn't so well. But he told that I was right.
Then I told in the affirmative as in it I was confident. I noticed he looked for reason to speak with someone.
-Something disturbs you and about it you would like to talk.
-No, no!
We having left a class already and continued to communicate. I told.
-Ok.when time will come, you can talk about your feelings.
-No. No! I don't want! He hid his head in a jacket hood, pulling on himself, trying to cover his anxiety but walk around me.
-Ok. You do not mind if we would pray for you?
-No, I don't want! God will not help me! Already nobody will help me,- he said in low tones having turned away aside. His face dropped and he was grieved.

For an instant I thought. Well. Probably he wasn't ready... Probably not time yet. Probably he was afraid to open...Thoughts were turning in the head. But very much it was clearly visible that something disturbed him. We will pray that the Lord would help him and healed his broken and wounded heart, I thought... At the end I told him.
-Vitaly, remember that you are special for the Lord. He loves you and wants to help you. He loves you, want you it or no. I believe with all my heart that He has a special plan for your life.
I thought that on it our conversation stopped...

 In a moment other boy ran up to our van, called me that to resolve an issue with a gift on Birthday. Having left him for sisters to solve it, I returned to Vitaly and was surprised... He didn't leave. He didn't want to leave! He approached and continued to communicate with brother Misha. And he opened, friends... At this moment, when I absolutely didn't expect!
  He told us his heart pain and troubles. His mother got to hospital. He doesn't know what with her. He worries about her. And is next sorrow... I type and my heart feel his heartstrings, so bitterly and so sadly. Tears in eyes. His brother got to road accident and is in coma. Doctors don't give chance of life... I can't tell all details. Probably his brother already died. Vitaly doesn't know all details.It is so heartbreaking. But he is very afflicted and grieved. He is as the wounded bird who needs healing and the help...
It is awful! He is in a orphanage. Alone. There is nobody to talk. Also can't be near his relatives...How it can be?

Also he told us that wants to get rid of addictions as alcohol and smoking. But he can't. He wants something new, and to live  another way. It very much surprised me. Because a short time ago. He laughed and spoke "vodka and cigarettes, it is everything that is necessary for life!" Certainly, it has broken our hearts. I don't remember what we spoke to him about it then.

But last Saturday we had a wonderful meeting with teenagers in this orphanage and spoke about a choice. Also about alcohol, smoking, drugs and about consequences.

We promised to arrive in 2 weeks again, if God allows. There a week passed. Today he came running before the Bible lesson with younger kids and asked. Why you did not arrive today to us, to older children? We reminded him that agreed to meet teenagers in 2 weeks, but not in a week. Today is turn of younger kids. So, it seems that before a meeting he already looked for communication and waited, when we will finish.

When we continued to communicate with Vitaly, one of teachers approached and started speaking what he is the difficult and disobedient child. I believe that much more he would tell us, but he having again hidden his face in a jacket hood, escaped... So sad.And on it our communication interrupted...

I think. Whether teachers and orphanage administration spoke with him. Why he so behaves? Whether he spoke openly with them? Did he opened  the heart? Whether they were interested, when or why the anger and offense he pours out on others? Whether they know in general, what now occurs in his family? Whether they know pain of his heart? Whether they see why he hides and concealed?
I have the answer...But I so much want to be wrong...

Friends. Our pleading and prayer is for Vitaly. He is only 16 years old, and he was already tired of everything … Please, pray that the Lord Jesus healed his heart and soul. That the Lord would make a miracle in his family. That the Lord healed this lonely soul in search of truth and a consolation. That he will give his heart to Jesus. The friend is necessary to this guy. Someone is necessary, to whom he will be able to trust and open the heart. Someone is necessary, to whom he will be able to pour out all the bitterness and pain.

I already wait for the next Saturday more, from that again to talk to him and to console him. Instead of from that that to meet all teenagers. Though we wish it very much, as well we plan.I think as for guy, it will be better to talk to him to brother Misha.

Would you pray, please for heart and soul healing of Vitaliy?Would you, please, remember him in your daily prayers?He has a hard time now. He needs Jesus so much.Thank you so much!


  1. Of course I will pray for Vitaly! What a sad story - please tell him that he has a friend in the US who cares about him and his family. No wonder he is upset about everything right now - his family's troubles would be enough to upset any teenager, and Vitaly has some extra troubles as well.

    I am so sorry that the orphanage administrators and teachers think of him as difficult and disobedient - that's what we call a self-fulfilling prophecy over here. But I am so thankful that BOM is reaching out to Vitaly - you are literally a Godsend to him right now.

    One thought: is nicotine chewing gum available in Ukraine? It can help people who are trying to stop smoking, as they can chew the gum instead and cut down a little at a time that way. "Nicorette" is the name of the gum that's available here. It can be purchased without a prescription. It might help Vitaly stop smoking or at least smoke less.

    Best wishes to you - and to Vitaly!
    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 teens from Eastern Europe

    1. Thank you, Susan!He will be glad to hear someone care of him from US. :)
      Yes, nicotine chewing gum is available in Ukraine. We will speak and ask how we can help him.Thanks for your concern.Blessings!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25