April 23, 2013

Awesome blessing and congratulations!

We are so excited and so amazed!God`s mercy and love is so great and so astonishing!

Almost the half year ago we asked you  pray for brother Misha trouble he had.Many of you know but some no.It could affect our local church and orphan`s ministry very seriously for many long years.It is even impossible to imagine what would happen...
Brother Misha COULD BE deported from Ukraine to Russia for many years!!!Because he wasn't the citizen of Ukraine and his passport wasn't registered in special services. I know. All this sounds strange. We ourselves still can not understand how it happened. But imagine his shock. When pastor arrived to Ukraine many years ago, a bit later he made the Ukrainian passport and nationality. And about 15 or 16 years later he casually learns that his passport isn't registered in general and Misha isn't the citizen of Ukraine. In such cases is only deportation!  
Thoughts were confused, he couldn't understand how all this occurred. Why? How it can be? After all, everything was made lawfully! Imagine what huge there was his shock. What would you do? 
When brother Misha rushed to resolve this issue, learned that all people died, which were somehow connected with it and made this problem. Also there is no one witness at all and though any way to solve it fast. It was necessary to do everything at first. Huge money was necessary. In total that we could, it only to beg a face of Lord, to be merciful, protect and to help to solve this problem. Brother Misha, both all our Church and BOM are sure that he is chosen God`s servant, has to be here and continue ministry, instead of deportation.God sent him here!

So months later...
  •  Today the director of mission, officially is ukrainian, living more than 15 years in Ukraine illegal. Whether ridiculously it sounds? Hmm.What nationality he was these all years? :)
  • He has the registered passport, using it many years illegally, even without suspecting about it, not that without knowing. 
  • It happened much faster than he expected.Usually it takes about 2 years to solve this issue.
  • Many people even didn't want to hear about it. As passed many years. But our Savior sent those people, who agreed to help and make what was in their forces.
  • Brother Misha says that it was very much and very hard and it is almost impossible. But our God is mighty!Is there something an impossible for the Lord? "Behold, I [am] the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27) KJV 
  • Moreover,  Jesus gave the chance to him to make and the foreign passport. Our Heavenly Father told him it to make, opened a door and everything made possible.Amazing!

Wondering, how he could go to Russia all these years?..

We believe it happened because of so and so many prayers.Look what many prayers can do!Where human law is impossible, God`s law and His hand is powerful!

Our Director of BOM, brother Misha is VERY grateful for your prayers and support you showed to him during these months.He is very thankful for your wonderful gifts of love have been sent, what helped to make it happen.We join to his thankfulness and praise God for his amazing  blessings from above.We thank God for His protecting under His loving wings.

Praise God!Praise God!Praise God!It is AWESOME blessing for all of us!THANK YOU so much, dear friends!

                                          Congratulations to brother Misha!!!


  1. All praise and Glory to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Amen!Brother Misha still can not believe it happened:)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25