March 12, 2013

A wonderful day!

The First.We would love to thank you for prayers, for our health.God is so good! We feel very well now!We are so excited, we are able continue to serve the Lord Jesus and visit our lovies.Thank you!Thank you very much for all your prayers!We are so and so thankful for your support.We are so blessed to have wonderful Christian friends, such as you are!Many thanks to you!

The second.We had incredible and such wonderful day today!

We were able to visit sweet boys with special needs and had Bible lesson.We missed them so much and it was such a wonderful joy to see their sweet faces and give our love.The spent time was awesome!

Today we told them beautiful Bible story, how the Lord by amazing way led bride Rebekah to Isaac.(Genesis 24) Boys helped us by playing roles of Bible heroes of this story.

All boys so loved this story!It was very fun!
Also the wonderful blessing was, when workers of the orphanage could hear the Gospel and what Bible says about marriage.

 Boys loved the song with movements and they did very good!

Then we played one amusing game. In every mumpish balloons we placed the warped sheets of paper, where words from the Bible verse were written. Children burst a balloon how they wanted and had to find the word. All boys were very excited to play this game.It was so fun and awesome to see their joy!

Worked hard to burst the balloon.He is so sweet! :)

 Then we attached these words to a board. Such a way, we guessed right and studied the Bible verse."Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding". Proverbs 3:5
 In the end they made craft.

Love this precious soul.He is very emotional and smiling all time.He is very happy by every little thing and is such sweet boy.

 But today we had one more very special and amazing blessing.BOM had privilege to meet in person Founders and Executive Director,  Randy & Tina Kacirek  from Grace Haven Ministries and Mary Malone, living missionary family in Ukraine, who came with us to visit children.Can you believe it?

We never expected we can meet in person those, who helped in some our previous and still help in current project for orphans.But life is interesting and you never know what God prepared for you.And it is fun! :)

After the Bible lesson, boys did not want to leave the room for a long time and wished to communicate much and asked "hundreds" questions of their new guests.They were surprising to see Americans and sometimes asked funny questions. :)
Our amazing helpers are such wonderful people with beautiful hearts of Jesus.They have been our "extra hands" and it is wonderful blessing from our Heavenly Father.We had awesome spent day together!God is so good!
Thank you, Jesus for such wonderful and blessed day!

 Behold, how good and how pleasant [it is] for brethren to dwell together in unity! 
[It is] like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, [even] Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; 
As the dew of Hermon, [and as the dew] that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, [even] life for evermore. 
Psalm 133(KJV)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25