February 15, 2013

I can breath by nose!

...such happy called Vova by phone some days later after surgery and demonstrated it.  :)

He is so happy he can breathes by his nose and feel himself  fully  functional person.He is so excited he does not suffer as before. He rejoice and praises God!

Praise the Lord, who blessed so abundantly this sweet guy and cares of his needs!
Everyone was surprised that Vova recovered so quickly! As it was told that he will be in hospital of 7-10 days or even 2 weeks. But everything happened much quicker!It`s because of so many prayers of you all! :)

Vova is at home now. He is doing very well.What a joy!But the doctor said we have to wait some days.And hope next week BOM will take care of Vova for treatment of his teeth.Such an awesome blessing and great joy for the guy!

Thank you so very much for your prayers, great support, generous donations, care and love of Vova.What a  wonderful blessing you are for him!God bless you!


  1. I am so happy to hear this! Vova's smile lights up the blog page.

  2. Praise God! I am so happy for Vova!

    1. Thank you, Jamie to share the joy of Vova together with us!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25