January 31, 2013

Guess, whom we saw today? :)

Today was incredible day and we are so happy!We rejoice and praise God for His goodness, grace and mercy!He is so good!
"But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation"
(Psalm 13:5)KJV

Jesus gave us possibility to visit our sweethearts lovies.My goodness!I can not express to you what an amazing day we had!
I decided to divide this blog post on two parts.Because there are so much to say and so much pictures to share with you.And I do not have much time because tomorrow we are going to other orphanage with Bible lesson and Saturday to one more orphanage with Bible lesson as well.We have to be ready.So, here the first part of blessed visitation.

We had chance to share about God`s love with older girls with special needs.It was absolutely wonderful time!

We thank you, who pray for our journeys and visitations of orphans.Today the weather became warm and the snow started to melt.The roads became very slick.Though we driving slowly, but our van skided off the road, threw over here and there.

On the way we saw this picture as the van skided off already.We stopped to help as didn't see anybody nearby who would help. But there was nobody. Probably that the driver went to look for the help somewhere.So, we continued the way.

 We missed girls so and so much!When we arrived they huged, kissed.And began to say they had birthdays.They WAIT very much this special moment to congratulate them with birthdays.Jesus remembers their special day!It`s such a blessing to see their joy, admiration and smiles!

 After studying of a new song, we conducted an object lesson and told Bible history, how the Lord spoke with Moses in a fiery bush and called him to force His people out from Egypt slavery.(Exodus 3-4)
When I took off boots to show how Moses put off his shoes. Girls started laughing.So, it was fun. :)

After animated film viewing about Moses, we played game. Where they should have "burned up a bush", answering questions on history.They loved this game and we had fun!

 Also we shared with them a small prize as a pencils.They were very excited!

Then we learned the wonderful Bible verse: "...My presence shall go [with thee], and I will give thee rest". (Exodus 33:14)

And in the end we made craft, where God has spoken with Moses through burning bush.In total what they were necessary, it colored and to cut out a picture. Then to cut out sheep and to paste them to the main picture. Thanks to sheep the craft could to stand. Also that the craft looked more interesting, they pasted cotton on lambs.It looked cute!

They loved this craft so much and with pleasure worked on it!We even did not expect it.What a blessing!
All sweet girls colored such wonderful colors and by their work we admired . They were so happy and their eyes shined with smiles.

Some girls never drew, never cut out, weren't able to use glue or did something similar. Now many of them draw, are able to use scissors and know as well as why use glue. It simplifies much and does our work easier. Undoubtedly  it needed many months, the strengthened work, but the most important favouring and encouragement were required. That they can and are capable, something to make! They study and try. We are so glad for them that though in small things, but we can be useful.

Some of them still need to learn.And it`s not surprise as them are a lot of but us are only four. :) But we are just happy be useful as much as we can.

Brother Misha teaches the precious girl how use the scissors. :)

God blessed our beloved girls and they could to receive body lotion.Probably first time ever!You can only imagine their joy and admiration!

 Thank you Musk family to bring so much gladness and impressions in lives of girls!
Now girls are so much happy they can smell so wonderfully!

We had such and such amazing time with dear girls!
I`m very exciting to share with you wonderful blessing we have had there.As soon as it will be possible, I will share with you and it will be continuation the blessed day we had. :)
Now I have to go and be ready for tomorrow.
Blessings to everybody!


  1. Wonderful! I'm glad you arrived safely and had such a happy time with the girls.

  2. I am so happy that BOM is providing so many opportunities for these young ladies to learn and to improve their skills - their coloring is very neat and precise, and it's clear that they have a lot of artistic talent! It's clear that they enjoy your visits very, very much.

    The girls' classroom looks a lot brighter, too, and it appears the girls are being taught to read and write, from the different educational charts and posters - is that correct?? I surely hope so. It's wrong to see these girls' abilities underestimated and overlooked - BOM's work with them makes it very clear just how much these young women and girls are capable of learning and doing, so your influence is going far beyond the girls themselves, and is a wonderful example of Christian love and service.

    Thank you for loving these girls...

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

    1. Yes, Susan, the girls are being taught to read and write.But really, probably about 8-10 girls can read.

      I believe, if to change methods and ways of training. That a lot of things would change. Matter in that that in Ukraine on today isn't present the special program of training of these children and absolutely there are no books that would help to develop and learn. Directors of orphanages where are kids with special needs, such as this one, many times wrote letters to the Ministry of Education, to create the program and special textbooks. But in reply is only silence... Therefore each orphanage, trains as considers it necessary. In such orphanages there are no training aids, textbooksб absolutely anything. Therefore how these children can study?

      After all in Ukraine, such children have no right to education. I believe that in the Ministry of Education, consider it as unneedful expenditure of money for the special program, etc. And it derogates from right these children.
      Teachers very much ask us to help though something and they value each textbook, the book. We dream a lot to help them, but we don't know, when this day will come...

      Thank you so much for encouragment!So much appreciate it!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25