February 1, 2013

So, so, so much joy!!!

"Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep". Romans 12:15
We so rejoice and are thrilled with these dear lovies!We are so and so happy for our dear beloved ones!

I`m very excited to share with you second part of our incredible blessed day.
Usually we have a Bible lesson with these little ones also, when we come to older girls.During a day 2 meetings.But I knew it will be very heavy physically for us to have 4 meetings during 3 days.As we were going to visit other children.And we needed be ready for orphanages as well.We decided to share about God`s love next time.At this time just visited them, give our hugs and give beautiful blessing what the Lord sent them.So, after meeting with older girls we visited the little kids.

When we came into, they had nap time.Some children slept, some no.Oh, my!You would see how they were happy and thrilled  to see us!They huged, kissed, jumped, clapped!Who slept, when they woke up, they jumped from a bed that to hug. :)
 It was so and so sweet!

 God blessed and sent to the girls the beautiful blessings, warm and cute socks.

 They were so much impressed!
 Oh, how they thrilled!I even can not express to you, dear friends!
It was just amazing blessing to see their happiness!

A minute later.So happy by new socks. :)

Children sleep on mattresses that BOM brought, pillows and warm blankets. Workers again warmly thanked for this blessing. You so helped out and it is big pleasure for us, they said.

Then we gave to girls beautiful flannel pajamas and long-sleeved knit tops.Tell you  that it was the right decision to came there, when they had nap time.It is sad certainly, but we saw in what condition of their pajamas and a bed-clothes. If I had a child, I never in life would allow him to dress this clothes or would put to sleep in this bed! Probably on a photo it isn't so visible well as it to reality. But their pajamas and a bed-clothes, look simply awfully! It is very worn-out and in holes. Therefore this double blessing for girls. We changed clothes at once that they would be in new pajamas.

 Beautiful princess! :)

Aren`t they cute in new pajamas?
  Oh, how they were amazed! There was such impression that for the first time in life they received new things. How they rejoiced, embraced, kissed and clapped!

 It`s their wardrobe for 4-5 girls...
 Love her smile
Probably, someone would love to bless these precious lives by new pajamas? ... We have all their sizes. It would be such pleasure for these poor children. Administration of the orphanage asked us to help more than once with underwear for children and a bed-clothes. We think probably, some day.... to help orphanage to get a new bed clothes, if God will allow.

When we left, children so unexpected, warmly and heartly kissed us with such pleasure and delight. They asked us not to leave them...
 Tanechka having strongly huged me spoke, I won't unhand you, I won't let you go, stay with us...They are so dear to our hearts...

 We had so amazing time with these precious lovies!We are so thankful to God that He blessed with these such wonderful blessings to them.Thank you very much, Susan to bring so much joy, impression and admiration to lives of these souls!God bless you!


  1. Oh, Alla, it makes my heart glad to see all these happy faces! Thank you so much for making it possible...

    Sending prayers for many blessings for the children, you and your friends, and for the work of Bible Orphan Ministry...

    Susan in Ky


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25