January 29, 2013

About Daniel

We were able to tell Bible story last week to other sweet ones, the next day after visiting the orphanage.The day was frosty and cold some.Same as the day before.But we had amazing meeting with kids!We did not see them so long and missed them so much!Some children having seen us, huged us with such force that caused us physical pain. Yes, they can. They express so their love. :)
Some children are sick and could not be with us.So sad. But the class was full of small ones.It was such a big joy to see them all!

We learned that about 5 new small children came to this orphanage.So sad to see the abandoned little precious souls.So heartbreaking to know their stories and how they suffered being at home with their parents, hungry and not having necessary clothes.How parents does not care about them but spending all days long with vodka...How these sweethearts were affected from child abuse...
But here we are BOM team to show the love of Christ, give hope and pray God would heal the afflicted heart...
We pray God protect these children and through God`s word they will hear and see Jesus loves them.Once, this Bible verse touched my heart so deeply and forever. "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up".Psalm 27:10 Hope it would touch their hearts also...

When we sang a song, Nadya taught a fine object lesson before Bible history about Daniel. As an umbrella protects us from rain and snow, so the Lord protects those who is faithful to Him.

Then we played a game, "Pin the tail on the lion".The one, who gave the correct answer on a question, had the right to pin a tail. Also the one, who sits silently and listens attentively. All children very much want to participate and sometimes is noisy because of it. Such way we induce them to discipline. And it works! Not every time of course.But most.You would see how they silently did sit this time, when wanted to play. 
Such happy face :)

In the end of meeting the kiddies made a craft, the lion with Bible verse  "But the salvation of the righteous [is] of the LORD: [he is] their strength in the time of trouble". Psalm 37:39
Brother Misha helps to children as all time.
We are so blessed to have some foam sheets!Thank you so much, who blessed us with it!Here it is very expensive and we never would not able to buy.
We made holes there that children could stretch a thread and make a mane to lion. The 1440 holes, it is a lot of! Oh!It took us several days to do it. :) Then children cut out a snout of lion and pasted wiggle eyes. And the head was connected by the brads. Thus the head of a lion can spin. Children were delighted and so excited! Even older children came into to do the craft."Oh, give me please, I would like to do the same!"
So, here are sweet boys with their lions

Can not wait the meeting with kids at this Saturday, if the Lord will allow.We prepare something special to them and I`m so excited!  :)

Trust in the LORD, and do good; [so] shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. 
Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:3-4

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25