January 28, 2013

The queen Esther

We have been so blessed to visit children with a Bible lesson in one of orphanages last week!Oh, we all were so happy to see each other!So many hugs, so many questions, so much love!I missed them so much!!!Oh, my!
We love especially a moment, when they run to us and hug.You can hear like some children cry out: "The Christians came!" Other children who did not know about our coming yet begin to run also.It warms our hearts and evokes a smile. :)

They just so sweet, precious and dear to our hearts.

At this time we told them Bible history about queen Esther.Irochka was queen and she deserved thoroughly to be her.She is so quiet and has calm character.Same as Biblical queen Esther. :)
 After watching the cartoon about this history also.Some boys even did "fall in love" in queen Easther and said "Oh, she is beautiful"! :) We mentioned, how God used the orphan Esther to save her people. God can use you too!They were surprised to hear she was the orphan.
 Then children had an opportunity to "crown the queen". Who gave the correct answer on a question, had the right to attach a crown but only blindly.

  It was very funny!

 When we learned the Bible verse good enough "...and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for [such] a time as this?" Esther 4:14(b)
Kiddies were very excited by making crowns for themselves the way they wanted.
 Some boys did not want to put flowers on their crowns(not surprise :)) and they said, we will be princes.So, children decorated the works as they wanted. They especially liked colored and glittering scintillants. Oh, it will be the real crowns, they cried out. 
Thanks to those, who sent us different decorations!
Please, make  pictures us in crowns! :)
 They were very excited by their work! After they have run everywhere and showed to everyone and cried out "I`m a princess!" or "I`m prince!"

So, even the day was frosty and cold some, about -14-16`C(57,2-60,8`F). We tired very much because we had some bags with all items and we got to the orphanage by bus and came back home.But we were excited that could to see and visit our dear souls and spent such wonderful time with them!God is good all time! :)


  1. This is such a lovely post. Thank you for bringing Christ's love to the children. It is easy to see how happy your visits make the children.

    1. Thank you so much, Patty!We are just blessed, thank God and it`s a big privilege for us to bring Christ`s love to the children.

  2. Sounds like everyone had a lovely day.

  3. Oh, the little girl who is Queen Esther is so adorable! What a blessing this lesson must have been to the children. Thank you so much for all you do for these sweet ones.

    1. Thank you so much dear Friend for the encouragement!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25