May 14, 2012

Outside of an orphanage

 Let's return about three weeks ago.I wished to write this post earlier, but couldn't because of a lack of time. But anyway, I rejoice that at last I can make it :)

So, at this time the Lord gave to us the chance to have a meeting with teenagers, outside of an orphanage.We had picnic.It was wonderful and blessed time with children! Also the Lord blessed us with a wonderful and sunny weather despite a rain forecasting, because these days were rainy during this period.It was great gift from the Lord at this day!

We sang songs. Children love a guitar! I think it is the excellent tool to sing songs about the Lord outside. We are so blessed that brother Misha can play a guitar, and the Lord bestowed him with this talent.
Brother Misha preached and gave instructions to teenagers, prevented of that, what can wait for them in not of the orphanage etc.
We spoke about that, that they steered clear of a sin and which consequences can happen.
We prevented them of premarital purity of the relations between the guy and the girl.We showed an example on a fresh and beautiful rose.

As the rose without lobes isn't granted and it is an unacceptable gift. It is pure, fresh and wonderful. That they would take care also that gift of the marriage relations what the Lord prepared for them. That they were pure and wonderful as this rose and keep out of a sin which is popular today among young people.
It was funny when I tore off rose-petals, girls very much asked: "Please, don't tear off lobes, the rose is so beautiful! Please, it`s so a pity to us". It was the remarkable example and the moment! I so think. :)
Also we distributed Christian literature to teens.
At the end of meeting there was a completing fine moment. We could have shish kebabs or barbecue with children. It was great and so delicious!Wow!
While Nadia cooked we could play with children and have fun.
Several guys were interested to help.It was great too!
Fun time

So funny :)
Everyone was excited to shoot arrows!

Photo for memory. Children were very happy! I am sure they for a long time will remember this meeting! These children anywhere and never go outside the limits the orphanage.We had such blessed and wonderful time with children.Everyone was so excited that they did not want to go to the orphanage when their teacher called them. They were rejoiced and very much asked a photo for memory. What we also made today. Yes. Today the Lord gave the chance to us to see them last time, say goodbye and granted gifts. But about it later.
  We exchanged addresses with children to correspond and to save the relations that were created throughout time. Today spoke with some children and they don't want to leave orphanage, because of fear and the indefinite future. Many don't know where to go and what to do.So sad...

   It was our dream and desire to spend time with orphans outside of orphanage. What to diversify and pour sunlight of God`s love in their bored and routine daily life. Children often run away from orphanages, in search of freedom and variety. The police catches them and returns again. Our desire to take them on picnic, a zoo, to any city to bring them joy, pleasure and mass of emotions.
  We could have this picnic thanks to your support and love to these children. Thanks friends, for your generosity and care of these orphans!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25