May 14, 2012

BIG news!

Oh, my goodness!It`s such exciting news!!!We are soooooo extremally happy to know a family who is going to adopt our sweet and presious Masha!We are so happy to know they chose her to give their love, care and bright future.Wow!We are so excited to know and pray for this family!Our hearts are full so many emotions and full of joy and it seem that my heart will jump out. :)))

Their blog is
Please, follow their journey of adopting, pray and help if you can.They still need a lot to raise.You can go to their family support page on Reece's Rainbow and make a tax deductible donation. Thanks, Friends!Thank you so much for support and love!God bless you!


  1. Thank you so much for advocating for this precious and beautiful little princes. I had just started following your blog and didn't know you knew her till after we commited to adopting her. I saw your post "A family found Masha" and was so excited to see links to a video and pictures of her and know you have been to see her. I can't wait to get her home and love on her. God bless you for what you do for all the precious and deserving orphans.
    I hope people will support you even more than us because what you do is so important.

  2. Are you serious!? Wow! I thought, that you knew we meet her often and know her very well.It seems that God led you here that to know more about her.We are so thrilled!Thank you chose her. She is so smart and sweet little girl!I`m sure you will be blessed to be her family. :)

    1. I do think God led me to your blog. Someone posted the link to the RR facebook page and I started following. To find out you knew Masha seemed to confirm Gods leading in this. I can't tell you how much it means to see her pictures. I went through all your blog post and videos looking for any picture that might have Masha in it and was so excited every time I found her! I hope if you go back you will get pictures of her for me. I can tell she is smart...and very cute!

    2. :) We have "hundreds" pictures and videos of Masha. Thank you to let to us know, how you found us. Real miracle!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25