May 11, 2012

Please, pray...

   Our dear Friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, with the broken heart we ask you to pray for the father of our pastor Misha and director of BОМ. He is dying. Three months ago the Lord made a real miracle! We asked you to pray. The Lord heard many your prayers and prolonged life not only to the father of brother Misha, but also saved one of his relatives.We told you how the Lord answered on prayer (in the end of the post) and blessed brother Misha this very day that he could visit his beloved father.Nobody expected and didn't think at all that he will live still!

   But hard days came again... Tears, a grief, the broken heart, sorrow, pain, loss... It is so heavy to leave those whom you love and who is so dear to your heart. It`s so heavy to say goodbye to those you love so much...It`s breaks heart, there simply no words, eyes are full with tears...

   The father of our pastor and brother Misha doesn't stand up, doesn't eat, breathes by means of an oxygen mask. Doctors don't want him to admit to hospital, they speak that is useless, because some parts of  body already die off and his time came to leave life...

  The heavy for us that now we need to visit graduates, we have two more orphanages. The heart is simply tears asunder...Every day is dear for us not to miss graduating children. Otherwise we won't see them then...

  Please pray that we could meet graduates of two more orphanages and say goodbye to them also. That the Lord would solve everything and helped with it.

  We ask you to pray for brother Misha, cover him in many your prayers, God give him peace and comfort.Please, pray God will send enough for brother Misha to say goodbye to his father and by his own hand to close his eyes.Our pastor have no idea where to find finances to get there and back, he has no one kopecks...Please, pray God will provide...Only God can do a miracle.

Thank you so much for your great love, many prayers and support, sweet friends.We know God hears your prayers and He will do what is the best.Thank you for your Christian love and kindness!We love you all!


  1. Dear Heavenly Father,
    You are the provider of all things. With you we lack nothing! In time of need we seek your face alone. By our hands we can do nothing without your mighty strength. Show your strength and provision to your servant Misha. Carry him and fulfill your promises to him this day. Amen


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25