May 17, 2012

One more great and fruitful day

   I am so excited to share with you about this meeting with graduates that we had next day after meeting before. This day and a meeting were very special and blessed. God is so good! He consoles and give strength in heavy days, He shows the presence, the love and mercy by His blessings.

Do you see this guy on a picture? This is Misha, one more orphan who is Christian, saved by God's grace. Two years ago when he came to us, he had no winter clothes, footwear, personal care items, often hungry and there were a lot of other troubles he had after graduating an orphanage.Maybe some day I will tell you his story. He still has many physical needs but he is excited to visit orphanages with us when he is able.
  This time he could testify, what the Lord made in his life. Also was huge blessing that he said about the problems, experiences and worries what he had, after the orphanage termination, to those, which children he knows and remembers. They are only younger than he for some years. He was in the same orphanage. And it was so impressively to see as children listened him carefully!They know him!

  We sang with teens.Brother Misha preached, gave manuals, warnings etc. We had wonderful meeting! We saw and felt presence of Holy Spirit. We saw as the God's Word concerned children and there were tears on their faces.Even a teacher was crying who was with us during this time.

   At the end of the meeting when our pastor gave an invitation to repentance. About 15 orphans walked to up front to pray! They asked that Jesus saved them and changed their life. Wow! Honestly. We didn't expect that! It was such HUGE blessing and SO impressively!It was amazing!!!We were excited and praised God!

Next pictures are teens receiving your gifts of love and  God`s blessing.  ;)

Kitchen utensils
Books "Thoughts for young men" wrote by J.C. Ryle

The pearl of God, Bibles

 Beautiful girls and boys, our younger brothers and sisters in Christ  :)

 After the meeting children didn't want to disperse. Our younger friends, brother Misha and sister Valya(in blue sweater on the left side of picture), told to teenagers what can expect them after orphanage. Oh! Do you know Valya also was in this orphanage? Therefore she knows these children and could tell what she knows and learned.What a great blessing!
 It was so fun that 5 of us, those who have been in orphanages before (Director Misha, younger Misha, me, my sister Oksana and Valya) could to be at this time and have fellowship with these teens.

  This teen shall move in the fourth time from the orphanage to another orphanage. Oh, how it is heavy... He cried. Poor boy. It was so heartbreaking to look at him. We could only hug and consoled him. Director Misha spoke with him about God's love. 
  Some of us(BO team) also several times moved from an orphanages to other orphanages and we can understand his pain and what he feels.Many children move to orphanages. Jesus gave us a privilege to tell to him that God has the special plan for his life... As well as in life of each person. "For I of know the thoughts that I of think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah29:11)

It was the last orphanage what we visited with graduates.The trip was simply magnificent, amazing and such joyful!The visit was fruitful and we are so happy. The Lord granted so many blessings that we were simply in awe.Director and all staff of orphanage were amazed by these wonderful gifts and thanked warmly too.

  We would love to thank each of you for acceptance involvement in this project, for your generosity, such kindness and opened hearts. We glorify the Lord that His hand wasn't reduced to enrich and fill need of orphans. We glorify the Lord and we thank for wonderful blessings and for saved souls of orphans. Thanks our dear friends! Thank you that you show God's love and you are feet and hands of Jesus Christ.God had so greatly blessed this project in many ways.We are so excited that from different countries such as USA, Ukraine and Canada many people were involved.Thank you so much for many prayers.It`s so amazing to see His hand, goodness and mercy!All glory to the Lord!!!
We love you all!

This short video is for you all. I don't think that interpretation is necessary to you  :))) 


  1. Praise God for the new brothers and sisters in Christ! Your ministry is amazing and you can see God's hand at work through you! So glad you took His love and shared it with all those around you. May you continue to be a blessing to all these and more! God Bless
    Kel & Reg

    1. Thank you for such nice words!We are so excited to see God`s hand and it`s such a great blessing for us to share His love with all those around us.God bless you too!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25