May 17, 2012

Heavy but blessed

   First we would love to thank for many your prayers, for our brother Misha and his father.Tears leak as a stream, tears of the humble heart and great God's love, kindness and mercy.Thank you, our dear friends for your love and such kindness in these heavy days.Your Christian love simply melts our hearts and bring glory and praise to our Heavenly Father and Saviour.
  God hears your prayers, dear brothers and sisters in Christ!Thanks to your prayers the father of brother Misha is still alive. Though he is in very serious condition, but his heart still beats waiting for the last meeting with his son and a meeting with the Saviour in the Heaven. Also the Lord sent necessary finances that our pastor could go and see the father.It`s great blessing!Thank for your great love and kindness.
Praise the Lord for all His mercy and goodness!We are so blessed by His grace and astonish love!
Our pastor is on his way the second day already. Please, keep him in prayers and his father, Yuriy. Only God knows, how many days his father and our brother in Christ will be alive...Thanks.

   In these heavy days for our brother in the Christ and director of BOM needed to be solved, how to be, how to do correctly and right. The father on a death bed, it is necessary to be with him in recent days or hours of his life but he lives in thousands and thousands kilometers from here. And at this time we had only several days to say goodbye to graduates of orphanages, because then we wouldn't see them.These all things in one time and in two different countries... As though it was not sick and it is heart-breaking, the decision was made, first of all to say goodbye to graduates of orphanages, to tell them about the Lord, to give the last manuals and lead to the Lord, if God`s will. And it was the right decision, we believe! Yes, it was not easy but right.Our hearts are broken but God helped to do right decision and as the result, blessed . We prayed and asked that the Lord be merciful and prolong life to the father of brother Misha. So, we could visit orphanages during two days. The Lord  surprisingly blessed with huge blessing and the father of our director is still alive by mercy of Lord and thank your many prayers. Praise the Lord!

So, we could visit one more orphanage where there are graduates.It`s one of biggest orphanages.There are 31 graduating children, the 2 grades.
After a meeting, we could provide your huge gifts, showing your care about them. :)
The blessing is really huge! Isn`t it?

 Jewelry to orphans,  the God's word.
 We are so blessed could provide Bibles to these children.

 And the magnificent book, "Thoughts for young men".

The director (to the left of me) this orphanage was so struck! All employees of orphanage couldn't believe that blankets and utensils are for each the orphan. All were inspired, amazed and warmly thanked.
 Many children came running to look and admired looking what gifts graduates receive. Many small children asked. "Will you present too to us such gifts?" :) They were so sweet.

We had great time and were so happy that could provide these wonderful and so necessary gifts to these teenagers!

In next post I will share with you about one more huge blessing we have :)  Hope today. So, coming back soon!Thanks.

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25