May 25, 2012

A blessing from Canada

I wanted to share with you what a huge blessing we received from Canada!But it is seems that we have two huge blessings! :)

The first. Many and many thanks to each of you for involvement in our new project, Sweet dreams of orphans. It is so awesome and excited to see that for couple of days we already have 37 % from that amount what is necessary to help girls. It means that we already have for 50 mattresses!!! WOW! What a great blessing!We are humbled and overwhelmed by your wonderful care and such open hearts. We are so blessed to have you!
Such huge joy to see, how the Church of the Christ  to cares of orphans and pours the love on them.It`s AMAZING blessing!
Dear friends, we thank everyone of you. Please, keep up in the same spirit, participate as you can, spread about this need, pray and donate. Even a small amount is beautiful seed which the Father can multiply! Please prayerfully consider being a part of this great project! Thank you!

The second.Look what we have, what a surprising and great blessing!We received a parcel from a dear sister in Christ, from Canada, who has such HUGE heart to orphans. Who does so very much for our dear children. Simply there are no words and I am speechless.All glory and praise to Jesus Christ!!!

Look how much we have and so many beautiful things. Soft toys to children, there are a lot of new and beautiful socks for girls and boys, the foam and are a lot of different items for crafts with children. Even small glittering stickers. I am sure. Children will be simply amazed!There are so many different things that I can't list at all.It`s awesome blessing!!!

 A some girl will be blessed with this beautiful absolutely new jacket. Isn't it beautiful?

And even there are a lot of different delicious food for BOM team.  :) Fruits jam, peanut butter, spaghetti, macaroni, mustard, peas, honey, lentil and much more. It is so fun to study and see something new from foreign countries!

Tell you, that this parcel came in time for a some reason.God NEVER is late!Praise the Lord!
We are so glad and happy!We are so blessed to have you and we grateful to God for each of you be part of this ministry to precious children, those who are unnecessary to anybody here.But you aren`t indifferent to their needs both their children's hearts and lives.You are awesome Friends and our brothers and sisters in Christ!Thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blessing! The package and the great start on your new project!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25