May 28, 2012

One more meeting

I LOVE these precious smiles!Aren`t they cute and sweeties?Ah, we so love these darling souls.
The Lord gave the chance to us to conduct with them one more Bible lesson, telling about God's miracles and his care of his children. This time we told them story about Elijah how the Lord used him and made many surprising miracles/(1 Kings 17-18)

I told you early here that we made a puppet a raven who was a guest(in other orphanage) and told to children about Elijah, as ravens fed him.( 1 Kings 17:4) It was such joy to children at this orphanage too!
All of them so attentive and with amazement listened to what our raven Karkarona (her name) told. It was amazing and such wonderful moment! All children listened and looked at her with delight, in fact she was our guest. ;) Kids wanted to pet her and were soooooo excited!They LOVED her!

As the puppet of raven drew attention of children, it was easy to tell a remaining part stories about Elijah, what Nadia and made.It was awesome time!

Then we played game, "feed Elijah". One part of children hid slices of paper meat where the Bible verse was written and which we studied then. Other part of children, which were in a role of ravens, shall find this meat and bring to the protagonist of the Bible story, by other word to feed him. We had Nadia as prophet Elijah.

Kids were so much excited to play this game!They were so thrilled they should to find something.As they love to hide and find!The game was excellent too!

Look at this sweet boy how he is happy that he found this piece of the meat.

Then children did a raven craft. So that saved time at lesson and children weren't soiled in black color, we ourselves painted paper plates by black color, before going to this orphanage. It was necessary to paint 70 pieces. It simplify much more work of children. They should paste only a beak of raven, where it held the Bible verse that we studied. Also to paste wiggle eyes. Oh, how they simply adore, when eyes move at their crafts! And with help of brads to attach wings to raven, that it could "fly".
They were SO much excited to make this craft!And especially that it can fly!

At the very end of a meeting we congratulated who had birthdays. Oh, how they were glad to gifts! Before the lesson began, children already hurried to tell that they had a birthday. Some children asked:" Will you congratulate me and present a toy to me when will be a birthday in 3 or 4 months?" 
Many orphans wait these gifts for some months forward! Please send toys, cars, whatever you can.., that we could congratulate them. It is a special day in life of each child. You need to see their admiration and such pure joy when they receive them!
Our desire to make their special day, at least a little more joyfully and absolutely another from all common and gray days their lives. Please, remember that nobody congratulates orphans, and they so wait for a gift...Thanks!
 We had such great and wonderful time with these kids.

Well.With these souls, dear to our hearts, we can meet not soon... They go to homes on summer vacations. They go there, where for them don't wait, where they aren't loved, where they can meet an evil and violence, misunderstanding and humiliation.It so sad and breaks our hearts that here on the earth, they simply are necessary to nobody, lonely and thrown... Please pray, that God keeped them from any evil and troubles.Pray that they saw the God's hand in their lives, love and his care.Thanks a lot!

"But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." (Luke 18:16) KJV

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25