February 3, 2012

Please, can you help us visit orphans during these cold days?

Today I have woken up and in our room (I sleep with the sister now), was +13 `C(55.4`F) in a room. In other room +9 `C(48.2F). It ` s very cold! Outside is even colder. :) It seems that today the coldest day for me. But really it`s not. Last year was -37 `C(34.6F) some days. I thank God that I wasn't born, and I do not live in Siberia. I would die there. :) The problem, consists in that that here very cold, even 0 `C(32F) because air is damp that does by colder.

So, today we haven't gone to an orphanage which we visit every Friday, because it ` s very cold and would make our travel very difficult with luggage in our hands. And the autostation a little far from orphanage to go.
Even we would go on a van it ` s unreal. Our van does not start. So, tomorrow we can't visit orphans also.And we do not know when will visit them...It depends from a situation with our van. :(
We kindly wanted to ask you... Please, you can help us in visiting of orphans? Our van of 11 years, and the accumulator is weak. So, the van can't start, when a strong frost. I don't know and I do not understand very much in cars. Brother Misha, our driver who is the Director of the BOM also, says that we need the new accumulator. We can go, but it can bring some problems on road and it is necessary to push the car. The new accumulator or the charging device is necessary to us. It costs 100$. Please, can you help in this need?..Please, pray God will bless in this need.
It would be such great blessing for us.As you know kiddies wait for visitors all time.Thank you!God bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25