January 13, 2012

The God`s voice

Thank you so much for your prayers I asked you yesterday.We had such amazing day today too!God is so good!We continue to have Bible lessons in orphanage which we visit every Friday.

We had not a lot of children as yesterday. :) Because many children still had not come from vacation to orphanage. Many of them stay at homes.This orphanage has many social orphans.Who usually have a one parent or even both, who do not care and neglect of them.The reason alcohol abuse and drugs, jail, homelessness, prostitution, violence of kids etc.Often parents are deprived of parental rights.It`s so heartbreaking and so sadly to see and know that parents are not interested in lives of their kids. And they grow up without love, undefendedness and lonely...
That is one of  reasons why we bring Gospel to orphans.Let them know God loves and cares about them.I love this verse."When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up." (Psalm 27:10)

 We were so much surprised when we remembered Bible verses which we learned before. Many of them remember and we repeated it again.We were so blessed to see and hear it! They do not have Bibles.So, we learn verses with them and repeat each time that will stay in their hearts forever.Each time we add one more verse what we learn during a lesson.
What a blessing to see when a child wants to learn and hear God`s word!

 At this time we spoke about little servant-Samuel, how he heard God voice.The topic of our lesson was how it`s important to learn and hear God`s voice in our lives.

 Before Bible story we had a game which was object lesson.Honestly saying, I thought they will not like much this game and will be bore.But I was wrong. :)
They loved this game so much!Wow!And asked to play more and more!
We became in a circle having joined hands and revolved telling certain words, a small quatrain. When we revolved and spoke, I showed on the child which should tell a certain word. They could change a voice. At this time there was a child blindfold which should guess  who has told this word. It was very amusing when some children couldn't guess a voice!It was real fun!

Children watched a cartoon at this time.But before that we had read story about Samuel from the Bible.These kids are not able go to church every Sunday.They can not imagine about ministry at church, how a choir sing, how preachers preach etc.So, we try to accustom hear Gods` word from Bible.

We have talked with director of this orphanage some time ago that some children take to church if only sometimes.After church ministry we would feed them and return to orphanage.Director is very willing.But we are not able for now.So, we pray that some day God will hear our prayer.

 Next we sang with children a song about Samuel.Oh, how they liked it!Even when we made a craft, they listened and sang it again and again.

After that we played a game where children should to give correct answers to questions about Bible story.I was sure they will like this game.And yes, they LOVED this game!It was soooo fun!
We named game "to Feed Samuel".When kiddies just saw a picture they began to laugh because little Samuel looks funny. :)

They chose a paper feeding-bottle they wanted.Had Read question and gave answer.We helped to read for those kids who can not read or not so well.But really there are only several who can read well.

And blindfold should place a small bottle than more close to a mouth of Samuel, feed him.

Well, that is our poor Samuel in the end of the game. :))) Kids sooo loved this game and laughed very much when they placed in wrong place a feeding-bottle.

When we repeated the song again, we learned a Bible verse, words what little servant said to the Lord. "Speak, LORD, for thy servant heareth." 1 (Samuel 3:9)

And in the end a craft as every time. :)

A poor boy has broken hand, he tried to color but could not.So, Oksana helped him.

This boy is cute.Isn`t he?

We had a girl about 12-13 years old.Nadya helped her to make the whole craft, because girl can not color and scissor out even a very simple pieces. :(

Children were amazed by this craft because it`s unusual.The craft is unusual that there some parts that can be moved. When eyes of Samuel open, they can read a verse that have learned in advance. When eyes of the boy are closed, the verse hides. They so rejoiced when could move craft parts. When they have made, they cried out. Look at this! Look eyes of Samuel opens and closes! Wow! How cool is that!

So sorry do not have a photo of that.I will try next time to make a photo in other orphanage. :)
Here are kids with their crafts.

Ok.Next picture of girl, who is our new friend.Other class(group of kids) who come regularly could not come for meeting so we called other group.They were first time at this Bible lesson.They were so MUCH excited and amazed!Oh, how they were glad!!! I even can not find words to describe how they were happy!!!

Also they asked much to make a photo with them.Really,I did not want because we have thousands. :) But they pleaded much.I saw how they were excited by being with us.So,I agreed.This is Alyona, who is like small kitten snuggled to us.

Taras is not new kid but he is sweet boy too.

At the end new children asked, will you come tomorrow?We answered, no.They asked again, maybe you will come on monday?When we said next Friday.They said: "Oh, it`s so long to wait!Please, come back soon!We ask you very much come back soon, please!"
It was so sweet and warmly to hear it and we were surprised.It melted our hearts.:) Isn`t God good?

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25