January 14, 2012

It`s inspires me!

Recently I watched a video of this man with autism who absolutely stuned an entire crowd.I was amazed by his voice!But more to know he has AUTISM!
It`s absolutely amazing!When listening, it touched my soul, gave me goosebumps and tears were flowing to see this moment in this young man's life.
It`s inspired me so much!Those who have disability can do things if others that do not have a disabilities can not do.By the grace and faith in God they can do it, if we give them a chance they can do anything!

And I was inspired MORE again by family who has a cute little boy named Noah yesterday! That is incredible what a wonderful work they do with their son!It is such inspiring and a blessing to see and know what God can do in lives of people!

I was so thrilled and happy to see it!


Noah's Dad Working to Change Down Syndrome Attitudes: MyFoxDFW.com

The website of this family is http://noahsdad.com/

 Many months I cleck an idea in my heart.I think often and realized we need do something.I have a burden in my heart to spread the word about children with Down syndrome in mental institutions and orphanages where we minister. Employers know NOTHING about these kids! Than more I watch videos, read wonderful blogs about adoption of sweet kiddies, read information.Other words than more I learn about these special kids than more I realise we must to tell people about it in Ukraine! Yes, we tell our friends, church members etc. that these kids can be adopted, they can educate, even work,to live on their own lives or even marriage and many different things.You should see reaction of people! Really?Are you serious?

After watching this video my heart catch fire again.Than more I think and realise, than more my heart is beating.

I do not know HOW and WHEN.But we should to tell staff of orphanages and mental institutions.I have several ideas.Give information to staff of orphanages, show pictures, video of these special kids, have special meeting with them etc.We hope after hearing of information they will change their hearts and relation to these kids.We need to think over much, we need much wisdom, God`s hand and many prayers.

I have some idea but do not know or will it work out ...Time will show. :)

But one I know and I`m sure we MUST to tell people about kids with Down syndrome!People in Ukraine know nothing!


 I was going to share it with you days earlier, just did not have a time. :)

And I was inspired MORE again by family who has a cute little boy named Noah yesterday! That is incredible what a wonderful work they do with their son!It is such inspiring and a blessing to see and know what God can do in lives of people!I was so thrilled and happy to see it!

 The website of this family is http://noahsdad.com/

 Many months I cleck an idea in my heart.I think often and realized we need do something.I have a burden in my heart to spread the word about children with Down syndrome in mental institutions and orphanages where we minister. Employers know NOTHING about these kids! Than more I watch videos, read wonderful blogs about adoption of sweet kiddies, read information.Other words than more I learn about these special kids than more I realise we must to tell people about it in Ukraine! Yes, we tell our friends, church members etc. that these kids can be adopted, they can educate, even work,to live on their own lives or even marriage and many different things.You should see reaction of people! Really?Are you serious?

After watching this video my heart catch fire again.Than more I think and realise, than more my heart is beating.
I do not know HOW and WHEN.But we should to tell staff of orphanages and mental institutions.I have several ideas.Give information to staff of orphanages, show pictures, video of these special kids, have special meeting with them etc.We hope after hearing of information they will change their hearts and relation to these kids.We need to think over much, we need much wisdom, God`s hand and many prayers.

I have some idea but do not know or will it work out ...Time will show. :)
But one I know and I`m sure we MUST to tell people about kids with Down syndrome!People in Ukraine know nothing!


  1. Exciting. Change happens when people's thoughts change. I'll be praying.

    1. Sabrina, thank you sooo much!Your prayers means so much for us!I know God hears your prayers. :)

  2. Hi Alla,
    I have been following your blog for a while and saw your recent post. I just want to send you a link to a beautiful blog about a family with a child with Down's Syndrome, a very inspring story. I should say that I don't know them, I just came across the blog last year when I was looking for information on Down's Syndrome. /www.kellehampton.com/
    There's a link somewhere on the blog to the birth story, where it all began.
    What you and your team are doing is wonderful. Andrea

    1. Andrea, we are exciting to know about new followers!Thank you for telling us that.

      Thank you for the link about family who has a child with D.S.Truly i`s very inspiring story and such informative blog.Thank you!

  3. hola/hello from Mexico.
    the most we talk about it, the most we show people how much they can do, minds will change.

    my boy was born almost 7 years old, here in Mexico. when we first knew that he had down syndrome we didnt know what it meant, what he would accomplish, now he is starting to read, to writte, he loves and enjoys music very much! 5 months ago we added to our family a 4 yr old girl also with DS who we adopted here in our city, and people thought we were crazy, having two kids with disabilities by choice is crazy. but God ask us to do crazy things. and we are happy with our family of four.

    1. Alicia, what a wonderful you do what God says but not people! How it`s excited to know about your small boy who can do all these things! People never understand if you do right. "We are fools for Christ's sake..." (1Corinthians 4:10) It`s all time brings us a blessing if we do what God says :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25