December 26, 2011

Bible Orphan Ministry on television tonight ABCnews!

Well.I was going to share with you a one more blessing we have.But we have one more amazing HUGE blessing about that we have found today! We are thrilled and so excited! I`m speechless!I can not tell you what I feel and how my knees and hands are trembling. Dear sweet friends, we need your prayers.Will you pray for our ministry?We know you do!

Don't miss Reece's Rainbow on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer TONIGHT (12/26) and Bible Orphan Ministry as well.

Here is a preview! Be sure to set your DVRs if you aren't able to see it!
Please, wait till advertising finish.Thanks!    
My English is horrible, so sorry... :)

Enjoy! Blessings during  these special holidays!

Here is a link


  1. Loved the video. Your English is beautiful! I read the story on Very good.

    Praying for you all!

  2. ive been following you for some months now and i admire your work.
    im from mexico, and we have a boy who is 6 and recently adopted one girl who is 4, both have down syndrome and are my life.
    may God keep blessing you!

  3. Thank you, Sabrina!You are very kind.I worried much and forgot to tell what I wanted...and spoke very quietly. They even could not hear me. :) That it is funny, they tried to fix several microphones.And finally they fixed a good one for my voice and did it more aloud and it worked well.
    That was horrible feeling at this time.

  4. Alicia,thank you!What a blessing!So happy to hear you adopted a little girl with down syndrome! Blessings to your family and 2 precious ones!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25