December 13, 2011

Exciting day

What an exciting day we had yesterday!We are so rejoicing and praise the Lord Jesus!
 We had special meeting in Kiev with already special friends. :)
 I will tell to you little. But first would like to tell you before the meeting by the way to Kiev we could visit several orphans at hospital.They are sick by bronchitis. :(

Ukrainian ambulance
We had Bible lesson last Saturday at an orphanage where  from are these sweet kiddies.I will tell you and will post pictures later about lesson.So,some kids were sick and they coughed much, some could not be on Bible lesson and several of them are in hospital.We decided to visit those who are at hospital.

When we came in to their ward or hospital room, we were shocked.Because there are nothing except several empty bed tables and beds.The bed`s clothes are such yellow and wear from reusable and washings that looks awfully and is already unsuitable for use.There are nothing for kiddies to play, games, toys, books or anything that help them to be busy while they there.On walls is nothing hanging, only dyed by paint many years ago and it is need to renew already.

 Hmm.I thought or a person can quickly recover, being in this hospital room only looking all the day at these walls and lying in awful bed`s clothes?Only being there and seeing this condition of hospital room you can get sick more... :(
Awful not because medical staff or workers do nothing for a condition of hospital room. Because the hospital has no enough finances that care about of patients and to help them to recover quickly.

So, when we went into the room oh how kids were happy and surprised!Oh, how they were excited much!

God has blessed and we could bring special gift to them fruits, bun and drinking yoghurt.As orphans never ate yoghurt they asked what is that?You may inquire that these kiddies never ate yoghurt?Yes, it truth, they NEVER ate it!And they were amazed and soooo happy to get it, thanks God!

 We praise God He sent us blessing gift in time and we could to bless these poor children!

Some orphans are sick in orphanages.It is cold here and children catch cold.Please, will you pray for their health and quickly recovering?Thank you!

After spending time and prayer with these precious we went to have another meeting.

 Well, we have a family who was a huge blessing in our ministry, who blessed many times poor orphans here.Now they adopt 2 nice girls with Down syndrome.We knew they will go to Ukraine and we wanted to give our special personal thanks and give them our hugs. What an amazing, sweet and lovely is family Kimble!What a blessed family with such sweet God`s spirit!

Please, follow by their blog and support them by your prayers, encouragements, comments, donations or whatever God will put to you on heart.Thank you!

 What a surprise was for us to meet one more beautiful family who adopt 2 precious girls too by Reece`s Rainbow also, the organization that helps families to adopt children with Down Syndrome or other special needs.The family Eubanks are so sweet and kind!With such inspired and sweet spirit! Please, follow their blog, in their journey of adopting.Support them by your prayers, encouragements and even donations, as they need.

 What a blessing to know those people who chose God`s way, obeying him and follow Christ.What a blessing we had speaking about orphans, christianity and many other.We had such blessed and amazing day!Even God sent us nice and sunny weather at this day.Now here it is cloudy, windy and cold.

 We were able to share a meal together, traditional Ukrainina food. :)What an amazing gift of Christian fellowship God blessed us! We had such sweet and peaceful feeling of being with them.It seemed as we knew them for a long time. :)

 And we could to see little a beautiful places of famous city of Ukraine.
 We are so and soooo exciting God blessed we could to see our special friends, to make new ones and had such blessed Christian fellowship!We came back to home late but we were so happy and blessed and praise the Lord for His mercy, many blessings and wonderful day!

In next posts I would love to share with you a blessed 3 visits of orphans we had last week. Come back soon! :)


  1. What an amazing fellowship opportunity!

    The children in the hospital look so much better in the last picture. I'm sure it was a HUGE blessing to have visitors to bring smiles and love and treats!!

  2. We really enjoyed our time with you and learning more about your ministry. I pray the Lord will bless you abundantly to continue your service to these dear children!

    Lee and Carrie

  3. Ah, thank you Carrie!We enjoyed our time with you too!What a blessed day we had!Thank you for your prayers!We pray for your adoption too!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25